Your object is probably placed far from the origin in Archicad. Move it
closer, create a new export file and re-import. You obvious have to drag
your object to the correct location in TM because it's origin has moved
but that should prevent those art...
@Sculptdesign You could use Design Options to lock your dwg. Create an
option ie "DWG" and in Focus Editing select "Edit default only". Relink
dwg to this option and you won't be able to select it
Well, I guess it aint your 3d styles.Obvious other suspect is updating
your videocard drivers.Maybe you are using a complex fill / texture?
This also creates larges pdf's so that might also be a solution to
change them to a simpler fill / texture.Do ...
Looks like you're using the vectorial engine which is notoriously slow.
Maybe better off using the hardware acceleration? As for the pdf being
too large, this is a dead giveaway that your 3D exported image is simply
too complex / heavy. If you really...
You haven't given a lot of info. From what i guess it's not in in 3D?
Then you can't see it in the 3D viewport. Param-o doesn't do 2D (you
need to script it gdl)