Even when I make all the panels invisible in Model View Options dialog
the "Miscellaneous settings for Library Parts" panel is not expanding to
show all its content.
You have to save the mesh object with surface fill enabled on the floor
plan settings to be saved inside the 2d script. This is called by the
Composite Mesh Object. Wait for my next version... I have it half.baked
for override fill on floorplan and i...
Ok after some digging I discovered that v9 works fine with Archicad 27.
I started from that version added all the previous translations plus
Greek. I also checked this version with AC28 TP and it works. Skins now
show in Sections on newer Archicad ve...
There must be a leftover file "Raboud.pln.lck" next to your original
.PLN file that prevents the PLN to be opened simultaneously by more than
one user. That file is created automatically when the PLN is in use. It
is deleted when closed, but sometime...
@scottjm wrote:im planning to repackage the whole new library either
into a new lcf or a mega libpack with the specific libraries i want for
our office when I eventually roll out libpacks. Isn't that the exact
opposite of the "Global" Library purpose...