09:12 AM
- last edited on
02:55 AM
Laszlo Nagy
2021-08-26 09:48 AM
A. wrote:Thank you.
Here is that tool for Archicad 22. So whoever has 22 or 23 can easily open it.
2022-11-23 03:57 PM
Any help would be appreciated. I am constantly getting this error message for both 25 and 26 even in a new file.
2024-04-04 11:36 AM
Hello everyone,
I love this object and I use it in all my projects.
But, small problem with the AC27 version. Hatching does not follow on each layer. It is the replacement hatch that takes over, so we no longer see the layers.
Is it possible to update the program in 27?
2024-08-14 05:20 PM
Hello everybody,
yeas please this is the issue of AC 27, please bring the topic back because this tool is so needed.
2024-08-14 05:21 PM
First of all, thanks for an amazing tool!
As it is stated, the tool diesnt work well with the AC 27 version because in the section, You cannot see the material fills.
Would it be possible to do a little update for AC 27?
Thanks so much!
2024-08-15 04:10 AM
I would steer clear of the mesh to roof tool, simply because when in floor plan view your once smooth mesh will be a series of roofs. A much simpler and cleaner way to do it is to simply copy the 1st mesh, drag it your desired dimension down, change the material to whatever. THEN, copy that mesh down a desired amount and turn it into soil.
2024-09-13 02:02 PM
I confirm that the skins are not visible on sections in AC 28 and 27. Any thoughts???
2024-09-14 04:28 PM
Ok after some digging I discovered that v9 works fine with Archicad 27. I started from that version added all the previous translations plus Greek. I also checked this version with AC28 TP and it works. Skins now show in Sections on newer Archicad versions.
PS: Someone with better knowledge may have time to compare this version with the versions 10-12 of the object. I am curious to find what exactly broke the functionality. By searching docs in GDL Center I didn't find any reference about changes in GDL versions in that would justify this behavior.
2024-09-23 10:26 AM
Thanks @gZax .
The objects is not giving errors any more!!!
What is missing from the settings are the options for 2d fill on the floor plan. Any chance for this addition?
Greetings Giorgi!!!
2024-09-29 12:46 PM
You have to save the mesh object with surface fill enabled on the floor plan settings to be saved inside the 2d script. This is called by the Composite Mesh Object.
Wait for my next version... I have it half.baked for override fill on floorplan and it works fine. It needs some work on translations and some gui and parameters sripts...