2022-05-01 06:50 AM
Hi there,I'm a rookie developer for just a month using Archicad API.Nowadays I need to monitor the element's material changed in current's 3D view for real-time.I check out the API refer and the SDK. I find out the `APIAttributeListMaterialItemObserver` in `APIAttributeListItems.hpp` and `MaterialObserver` in `material.hpp`.However, it seems like doesn't work.
I just wondering whether there has some way that can monitor current 3D view's element's material status?Thanks a lot!
The Observer I found is below.
2022-05-06 04:57 AM
Hi there,
I find out a way that can monitor elements' change.The `ACAPI_Notify_InstallElementObserver`.It can monitor the change on `Settings` windows,so I can catch the material changed only if i change it on `Settings` windows.However, If I want to change the material with the 'Surface Painter' windows("window->Palettes->Surface Painter"),The 'ACAPI_Notify_InstallElementObserver' can't catch it.
So the question became if I use "Surface Painter" to change the elements' material,How can i get the information?
Thanks a lot!
2022-05-12 05:28 AM
Hi there!
Is there some way I can get the info whether the current windows' elements' material has been changed?Especially when I use the "Surface Painter" to changed the elements' material, How can I get the information?
If you have some idea, Pls tell me,I REALLY need to know.
Thanks a lot!
2022-05-12 05:53 AM
I have merged this post with your other one on the same subject.
There is no need to start new post on the same topic.
If you don't get an answer, just bump (reply) in the old post.
There is no guarantee you will get an answer though.
I certainly have no help for you - out of my league.