We are having some issues using the ACAPI_Goodies (APIAny_GetTextureCoordID, &pars, &resultUV); routine returning proper UV texture coordinates. It works fine when textures are not scaled. But in some cases, when textures are scaled (e.g. when importing sketchup terrains and rescaling the color map to fit the bounds of the terrain) or if the textures are rotated (e.g. when the material has a 90 degree texture rotation), the returned UV coordinates are not coming back properly.
a). Is there a way to solve this using the ACAPI_Goodies (APIAny_GetTextureCoordID, &pars, &resultUV);
b). There is also the Model Access api call polygon.GetTextureCoordinate (&vertex, &uvCoord); Would this api possibly generate more accurate UV's? And if so, if there a way to recast/create a polygon created under the API_Component3D set of methods into a ModelAccess api type of polygon. We are trying to avoid having to re-write everything just to use the ModelAcesss polygon class.