Yes, lists are very interesting feature. It's not so flexible in terms of annotation of the preview drawings, also you cannot change values in the list as you can do in schedules or export to Excel. It's actually completely static pages.
There are two types of lists - text and graphical. Text actually you can export to Excel. But it's really really primitive (rudiment from very early versions like AC 5).
Graphical is more advanced.
How listing is happening. ArchiCAD has property sections in GDL scripts. Also there is GDL property objects. GDL property objects can be attached to any element by using 'attach property by criteria' - the dialog remains by its structure find&select.
There is also data bases.
So list can read parameters from the object (like wall length, or any parameter from GDL object), attach this parameter to any value from database and show the result. I think it supports primitive mathematical functions.
There is plenty of interesting features you can get from that - but mostly with help of GDL programming. Like GDL property object, attached to the element can generate its own drawing.
Also you can do such a things as list fills, placed on details and worksheets.
However, user interface of setting new lists is very old and rudimental. I might say - not easy to use.
Listing feature today is hidden completely. If you want to try play with that - you need first to add commands to menu, related to listing. I hope you know how to modify menu. Subgroup I think called 'Calculation'.
I used listing with GDL programming to create simple scheduling tool. The idea was - to give to user simple tool to make good looking schedules but provide different interface written on GDL. You can check it in my template:
Maybe using some principle possible to create some tools for price calculation... I wish that listing and scheduling features would be merged into one to have more powerful tool for calculations and scheduling.
Also I would like to notice - listing will not extract amount of material so precise as scheduling. It does not support building material and gives only basic geometry parameters of objects.