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About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.


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When trying to build a road in ArchiTerra with my ArchiCad 12 i often get the following message: NORMAL VECTOR AND EDGE XXXXX IS NOT PERPENDICULAR IN PGON XXXX.

My question is simple; what does the above sentence mean, and how do I fix it!?

Let me add that this doesn't happen everytime, but it does happen quite often. The frustrating part is not knowing why, especially that I am convinced that I am doing everything right. Sometimes I will try to do an opperation and this message will pop up, so I Undo and try again.. and guess what, sometimes trying the same operation a second time will work! Sometimes it will take 3 or 4 tries. I don't get it... is there a way to avoid this or to fix it?

Please help!
Karl Ottenstein
Did you contact Cigraph (maker of ArchiTerra) tech support?
AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
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I did after I posted this, and they asked me today to send them the file so they can find out what is going on... As soon as I find out something I will post it in case someone else is having the same problem.

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I have the same problem, where the shape I wrote is drawn, but a small part of it is missing and the message is " Normal Vector and edge xx is not Perpendicular in pgon xx. The hotspots and hotlines show that lines and points are correct, only the surface has problem with pgon.
I don't use any other programs, so I think it is something about ARCHICAD.
I guess it has something to do with the automatic texture wrapping.
Is there any way we can learn more about Vectors, pgons and surfaces in ARHICAD?

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This is typically a problem with the internally generated geometry. It happens in library parts sometimes as well.

The issue arises for the fact that solid modeling requires that each polygon have a "normal vector" that determines the inside and outside surfaces. If the definition of the normal is not perpendicular to the polygon face it causes problems.

The cause is usually some flaw in the 3D geometry (such as self crossing boundaries) or a mistake in the definitions of the polygons and vectors. This kind of stuff is not easily accessible (if at all) to the end user. The best solution is either to simplify the geometry, for example by breaking up a site into smaller pieces, or replacing or resetting a troublesome library part.

If you really want to learn more you can take a look at the GDL primitives functions and definitions in the manual.
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Thanks a lot for the response.
I could not locate the Manual you mentioned.

I wrote the same object using VERT, EDGE and PGON. It is drawn fully, however the surfaces are not filled, and only frame is shown. An error comes that Polygon is degenerated at line xx in the 3D script of file xx.gsm.

The GDL is only a surface and divided like a fan. It seems the two side row of polygons have problems.

What could degenerated mean?
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rtaheri wrote:
I could not locate the Manual you mentioned.
It's the GDL Manual listed in the help menu.
rtaheri wrote:
What could degenerated mean?
Typically that the polygon is either self crossing or possibly not flat.
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I recently went from Archicad 14 to 16 (although speed-wise, 16 seems to have a lot of weird issues) and all my projects are made with 14 version.
So opening a somewhat complex project I got dozens of "normal vector" errors when going in 3d window or sections.
This happened before, in 14 and in 16, but there was only one error and I didn't mind pushing "continue" once in a while. But this time it's just crazy.
I tried to look for the messed up polygon step by step, selecting parts of the project and then pushing F5, waiting for the error, but ended up having a way too long and complicated detective work and deleting most of my stuff. That being said, I really don't want to lose the project, let alone build it again, and this just seems hugely stupid - being blocked like this. Is there some easy way of discovering that error generating thing? some sort of troubleshooting? this is a huge blow below the belt, and I thought I knew how to handle all the little retarded issues and bugs Archicad had to throw at me, just like a special needs kid wondering off with no apparent logic.