Does any one out there know how to import multiple Archicad defined objects into Autocad without running into SECTELEM_## collisions.
[Client is not Archicad literate and all redlining is done through AutodCAD]
Translations from Archicad work as expected but everytime I try to merge two different aspects (for example) elevations into one Autocad drawing, I run into one elevation having defined the block elements by the Archicad translator and systematically naming each element with the following convention SECTELEM_01....SECTELEM_02...SECTELEM_03.... and so on.
When I try to import another archicad translated drawing into the same Autocad drawing it tells me that:
Duplicate definition of block SECTELEM_01 ignored
Duplicate definition of block SECTELEM_02 ignored
Duplicate definition of block SECTELEM_03 ignored
which results in a combined drawing that is misssing all the elements of drawing #2 that was already defined in drawing #1.
[See attached pic.]
This is the case in both v9 & v10... A better solution to this naming convention would be to randomize these block/element names so that the changes of collisions would be convention to very small.
(There is a dirty way around this issue by exploding eveything in the second drawing to line elements but this only creates a huge mess if using fill patterns)
I would appreciate any suggestion to get around this collision issue.