While I appreciate the response, you should try creating a schedule and then formatting it and saving a view. It does indeed save the formatting (cell/row spacing/height, borders, etc.).
To recreate the issue do the following:
1. Create a door schedule with some columns (element id, 2d view, opening view, from zone, to zone) on the "existing" renovation filter
2. Modify the column/row widths/heights and get it looking good
3. Duplicate the schedule and name it whatever you wish (schedule2 or something)
4. Double-click to enter that new schedule and change the renovation filter to "new construction"
5. Format that as you did in step 2
6. Double click back on schedule1 and you'll see that your formatting has changed. Reformat it again and click on schedule2 and you'll see that your formatting has changed
Now, here's the workaround
1. Perform steps 1 & 2 above
2. Once you have it looking the way you want, create a view of that schedule
3. Duplicate that schedule and change your renovation filter to "new construction"
4. Repeat step 2
You'll now notice that if you access your schedules from the view map portion of the navigator window, you will retain all of your formatting.
ArchiCAD 25 | Cinema 4D R23
12-Core Mac Pro (2 x 3.46 6-Core Xeon, 64GB DDR3)
OS X 11.2.3
AMD Sapphire Pulse Radeon 5700 XT (8gb)