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Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

Collaboration with other software
About model and data exchange with 3rd party solutions: Revit, Solibri, dRofus, Bluebeam, structural analysis solutions, and IFC, BCF and DXF/DWG-based exchange, etc.

Mac OSX Lion

Not applicable
I see Mac is coming out with a new OS. Are there going to be any issues with Archicad's 12 thru 15 any other issues like having to buy yet another computer. I also here that Intel is coming out with a their next chip will that have it's own issues or is it just too early to know anything about either yet.
Either way this might work for me, timing wise since I'm still on 12 on a PPC Mac it may allow me to skip a few computer generations and save a lot of money or maybe I'll just stock up on cheap used Mac's and never upgrade again. Although there are some nice features since 12.
Karl Ottenstein
Laurapowell wrote:
Well, I downloaded the new Lion operating system on my MacBook Pro as well as my husband's iMac and found out the hard way that you can NOT run ANY version of archicad with Lion therefore, I urge you not to try. I asked the archicad rep and he said he didn't think that Archicad 15 would work with it either. Furthermore, he stated that they might only fix the glitch for Archicad 15. I have Archicad 9 and it definitely doesn't work.
Hi Laura,

That is not true, as you can read from the comments from others here. It sounds like you may not have the right WIBU driver or something if you cannot run at all. Your sales rep is the wrong person to ask technical questions: call the free tech support number.

As to 9, as I mentioned some days ago your other thread, you cannot run any PowerPC software under Lion - and that includes ArchiCAD 9 and earlier.
Fortunately, I figured out that lion has a share feature that allows all the computers using the same network to share screens and sooooo, my husband is sharing the screen with my old Powerbook G4 with Tiger (slow) so that he can still work from his iMac. It's not perfect but it sure beats clients screaming at the door. I am thinking of purchasing a mini-mac on craigslist with Snow Leopard and do the same thing. This way it will at least be faster. Guess it's time to upgrade Archicad.
Yes, as mentioned in my earlier response, an upgrade is the smartest thing, since versions 10 through 15 can all open / convert your AC 9 projects. Personally, I think it would be smarter to point your cash towards an upgrade rather than a Mac Mini running Snow Leopard.

Another option is to install Parallels and Windows on your Lion-based Mac and to run the Windows version of ArchiCAD 9 (and earlier) as required under Windows. Weird, but an option.

Yet another option is to restore Snow Leopard onto either or both of your machines from your Time Machine backups. Save the Lion installer file that you downloaded (or even burn it to DVD - steps given in various web sites) so that you can re-install later without downloading again when things work OK with Lion.
***Take note that any software program you have that is PC based will NOT work with Lion therefore, the problem is not only Archicad but other programs as well.
I believe you meant to say PPC (PowerPC) based.

I'm sure that the situation you're in is frustrating.

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB
Not applicable
Moved to Lion with out paying attention to AC problems now trying to use an old 13" macbook with Mac OS X10.6 so slow and painful.
Graphisoft Please fix AC for Lion; is this a Wish or.....

+1. I think at the very least, we need some sort of timeline for when this might be addressed. Granted, this involves Apple as well as GS but I think users need to know if we are talking weeks, months or a year+
Nattering nabob of negativism
2023 MBP M2 Max 32GM. MaxOS-Current
Not applicable
Chazz wrote:
+1. I think at the very least, we need some sort of timeline for when this might be addressed. Granted, this involves Apple as well as GS but I think users need to know if we are talking weeks, months or a year+
2nd & 3rd that!!
Ben Cohen
FYI One week with Lion and AC 13 and its running fine.
But I will be needing 15 soon so bring it on.
Ben Cohen
Mac and PC
Archicad (Latest Version) aus
Marton Kiss

Apple usually releases the first OSX patch within one month so we hope they will follow that with Lion as well. That fixes the major problem that can cause really serious slowdowns.
On ArchiCAD side we are aware of one critical problem that affects only BIMx (former VBE), that is going to be fixed in the first AC15 hotfix.


do you experience the slowness with all of your files? Do you use one of the fonts from here: in your plans?

Marton Kiss
Chief Product Officer
Eduardo Rolon
Marton wrote:

On ArchiCAD side we are aware of one critical problem that affects only BIMx (former VBE), that is going to be fixed in the first AC15 hotfix.

I have not seen the slowdown but I have had multiple crashes either working with the libraries and or "Launching a new version". Both apparently had to do with having the BimServer support files running from a different hard disk than Boot and having BimS starting at login.

It looked like the issue was that BimS started to read my second HD before the system had connected to it, then it created a link to a folder that did not exist in ~/Volumes (but it was specified in the BimS settings) taking over the name of my secondary HD this forced the system to change the name of the HD to xxx-1 and everything else went to hell after that.

HDs on my Mac before restart in the ~/Volumes folder
disk01 = Mac HD
disk02 = Projects

name of HDs after restart with BimS starting automatically reading from disk02
Mac HD = Ok
Projects = empty except by the folders created by BimS
Projects-01= link to disk02

As I can figure out the problem is that if BimS does not find the folder were the projects (or settings) are stored it will create it instead of asking were the missing folder is. This is the same behavior that publisher uses when the folder it published to does not exist.

In Lion apparently the "resume after restart" causes BimServer to load before the system has finished connecting the secondary disk. Work around is to not have BimS start at login and to shut down BimS before restarting or shutting down your Mac.

Hope this makes sense.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
another Moderator

Not applicable
Marton wrote:

Apple usually releases the first OSX patch within one month so we hope they will follow that with Lion as well. That fixes the major problem that can cause really serious slowdowns.
On ArchiCAD side we are aware of one critical problem that affects only BIMx (former VBE), that is going to be fixed in the first AC15 hotfix.


do you experience the slowness with all of your files? Do you use one of the fonts from here: in your plans?

Yes I am using those fonts so I will make them NOT bold/italic.

Based on what I read the real issue is when BIM is used; CAN I assume if I am a single user will not have problems short of text slowness?

Aussie John
Ben wrote:
FYI One week with Lion and AC 13 and its running fine.
But I will be needing 15 soon so bring it on.
Hi Ben
I dont suppose you have tried v12?
Cheers John
John Hyland : ARINA :
User ver 4 to 12 - Jumped to v22 - so many options and settings!!!
OSX 10.15.6 [Catalina] : Archicad 22 : 15" MacBook Pro 2019
Ben Cohen
No John, I haven't . I only have v13 - 15 installed on my current computer
Ben Cohen
Mac and PC
Archicad (Latest Version) aus