2008-02-11 07:00 PM
2008-02-11 07:10 PM
2008-02-11 07:29 PM
2008-02-11 07:38 PM
2008-02-11 07:46 PM
2008-02-12 07:15 PM
2008-02-14 03:20 PM
Jesikuh123 wrote:Instead of copying and pasting it is certainly more efficient that someone manages the send and receives in your main office. This person would sign in in the name of each team mate, save a local draft (.plc or .pca), send out this file to the remote office, where teammates work with it, then they send back the drafts at the end of the day, and the chap sends and receives all the drafts in the central file again.
What we have been doing is copying and pasting work from the bedford model to my model and vice versa.
2008-02-14 07:32 PM
2009-05-01 03:16 PM
2009-05-01 04:56 PM