R wrote:
How do I add a total at the bottom of the list?
You're welcome. The sigma in my last screenshot signifies to create a total for the indicated field. (If you click again and get a Sigma1 - that gives a count of matching elements instead.)
See attached screenshot - in case you also need subtotals: by clicking the third column to place a 'flag' for a field - then there is a subtotal - for every sigma field - whenever that field changes value. For this to be meaningful, the flag should go on fields sorted first - the schedule sorts from top down in the field list according to the sort direction arrow.
Clicking the 'show headline' (and possibly Settings to control it more) lets you display some initial column contents only for the first entry of several matching entries.
So, putting that all together in the screenshot, you can see the Building material appears only once (due to 'show headline') for each wall's BM, then each BM is subtotaled (due to the 'flag' to the right of BM in the Schedule fields in the scheme - and the sigma next to the length and surface area fields in the scheme). There is always a grand total for every sigma.
It's handy to create 'working' schedules that are part of your template for doing just the kind of checking that you're doing. They never have to appear in a document, but they're there when you need them.
AC 28 USA and earlier • macOS Sequoia 15.3.1, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB