Hi Erwin thanks for your reply, I understand what you mean with perspective
but it does seem odd that archicad dimensions show the correct amount in the 3d document, archicad clearly knows the height but i guess that is the quirk for perspectives, for example IF my section was at a 15 degree angle away from me/camera and not 'square' on then the ceiling height measured at the closest point to the camera would be a larger dimension when using a polyline than the further away ceiling height at the other side even though they are all the same height with a flat ceiling. measuring 3d space in a 2d plane with correct dimensions might be a bit hard ask for archicad/ the computer to process.
i guess it just irks me a bit as being 'square on' with my 3d perspective i kind of expect it to work out correctly
the best thing i can hope to do is to use a scale that outputs my text at a similar height which seemed to be around 1:500ish and/or create seperate favourites for when working in 3d documents that display at suitable sizes
Or the other alternative of using the 3d document as a sort of background behind my normal 2d cut cross sections and re scaled to match.
I prefer not to use axonometric views as the vanishing point in perspective really adds depth to the section that cant be achieved with standard axonometric views making them already too similar to a typical 2d cut cross section in my opinion.