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2024 Technology Preview Program

2024 Technology Preview Program:
Master powerful new features and shape the latest BIM-enabled innovations

About Archicad's documenting tools, views, model filtering, layouts, publishing, etc.

AI and the end of the road for Archicad


AI tech is moving faster than anything we have seen before. The gains that can be made are so large there is huge money being poured into the development of AI in all industries. Architecture is no different. The video below shows where AI is already at so the next 5 yrs is going to see a big shift in the structure of Architectural practices around the world with a lot of labour intensive drafting processes being replaced with AI. Is GS ready for this transformation? Do they have a strategy in place to ensure they are still going to be relevant in an AI dominated world? Does Nemetschek actually care or will AC just be bleed dry until it becomes irrelevant?


AI will eventually produce the drawings and BIM models without the need for a piece of architectural software so the AC's and Revit's of this day in age will just fade away like the pen and paper before before them. 


While we complain about the functions, or lack thereof, in AC, I can see the reasoning for not throwing money at development when the return on investment won't have time to materialize as AI continues to disrupt our industry. Personally I can't see a future for AC, as it currently is, in this new world unless they embrace the AI wave and transform AC into an AI based piece of software. Given this type of transformation would run into the hundreds of millions I just can't see Nemetschek footing the bill.


How do other AC users see themselves placed in this new world? Are you going to be riding the AI wave or will you be left behind? It's a question we all need to be asking ourselves because AI is here and it will affect every aspect of our industry.

Planworks Ltd
Residential Designer based in Tauranga, NZ
Archicad v9+
VR enthusiast.
Always wants more!

I don’t mind it, if it’s smart and help me to be efficient why not. In fact I think we will learn a lot ourselves from AI. For example, I sometimes use chat gpt to write emails regarding products development/marketing and such and it does help and bring new ideas on the table for sure. 

MacBook Pro, Sonoma: 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, Intel 16GB mem,
Archicad Solo 26 and 27 (in testing mode)

But you are not concerned that one day AI will do something funny with all the data that they have that will affect you in certain ways? I mean maybe not in our life time but later down the road... 😅

In the end what is your Objective?
ArchiCAD 9 onwards