About Archicad's documenting tools, views, model filtering, layouts, publishing, etc.

Auto Text question

Not applicable
I was wondering if there is an auto text option that would work similar to a linked marker detail bubble. For example, could I put a note on one drawing that says something like "refer to Drawing 3 of sheet A-100" and it would actually link to that drawing so that if I changed the name of the sheet or the number of the drawing, The note would update? Thanks
Graphisoft Partner
Graphisoft Partner
You can select any drawing on a layout, right click and select 'Set as Autotext Reference'. Then when inputting your autotext you select 'Reference for...' from the drop down menu.

But for this to work you need to have an actual drawing on a layout to use as a reference, or perhaps it could be a small empty dummy drawing with nothing in it, solely for the purpose of referencing your autotext.

See more about it here.

Not applicable
Perfect, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!