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Automatic dimensioning does not dimension columns

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Hi, I was using automatic exterior dimensioning and noticed that it does not dimension columns in walls... Also when I was listening to the Essentials Training Guide noticed that there dimensions where placed automatically. What setting is that? thank you
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As far as I know automatic dimensioning only works on walls.

If you noticed dimensions for columns the they may well have been placed when the columns were created as part of a design grid.

The design grid is found under Design>Grid system . See the screenshot which allows you to place columns based on the gridlines and also to dimension them.
Picture 1.png
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True, but that only dimensions the center of the column but not the end points, and for me it's important that columns are dimensioned at the end points as well... I noticed that at the Essentials Tutorial Guide, that when I select elements in a marquee area and the type is not only Wall, the automatic dimensioning dimensions the other elements too, this was the case in the Tutorial Guide but not in my projects .... so now I can't find what is the setting in the Guide so that I can paste it in my Work Environment.
Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin
Try to use the Interior Dimensioning instead of Exterior Dimensioning. That one has settings for Column dimensioning.
When you create the interior dimension you will have to input a line.
This line will have to cross those Columns you want dimensioned.
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Thanks Laszlo.... thats a really good tip.