I have the same problem as many here. But the solution was not satisfying for my case.
My office wants to keep the same door and window markers, which they had while drawing in AutoCAD. See the attached picture.

So I need in this rounded geometry not only the Element ID, but one additional variable.
So what I manged to make is this regular rectangle with two rows, but without the correct geometry.
Or in case of windows just a circle with one Element ID and without the second variable.
I hope I explained it clear enough and someone would be able to help with this..
Variable that I would need are the unique Nr & Window or Door Type Nr.
What I have also tried - to define my own window and door label.. That way I could build my own geometry and put my own variables. But it did not turn out good. See the picture again.

Only the Autotext #ElementID worked. Other parameters were not changing or I did not find the correct ones in the window Classification and properties list. + the rotation of the label is also very bizarre, even if the label orientation is set to ”perpendicular orientation”
Thank you, I am looking forward for someone to reply!
P.s. If pictures are not shown, you can see them here