YA.H.VE wrote:
[Daniel wrote:]
[but still linked to the doors].
Let me know if you find the way to do that. Is perfect for me if keep link to the door.
P.D. Hi Daniel, now I'm back in business!!
Hi Yamil
Glad to see you are getting places with AC!
Linking custom made GDL markers to doors or windows is fairly easy, especially with the new object subtypes.
The orientation on the page is also easy to fix with a bit of scripting (the problems I had with mirror reversed and flipped doors in earlier versions now seems to have gone away!
However, now I am having problems getting the door ID to show in the marker as a door number.
The markers in the screenshot below are all linked to the doors but I haven't got the scripting right yet for automatic door numbering. There is also a standard AC marker on one door for comparison.
I will let you all in this thread know how I go once there is something useful.
The markers in the top left corner are unlinked, and until now I have been using them instead of linked markers as I can place them with incremental numbering after all the doors have been placed.
The two-field one on the right is available now at Objects Online for anyone who is interested (it has options for all polygon shapes, with or without dividing line).
Daniel Lindahl Architecture
AC24 | Dell Inspiron 16+ | Windows 11