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New Autotext Options for Master Layout and Subset Information

Rubia Torres

Autotext on Master Layouts is an intelligent Archicad tool that automatically updates documentation-related information in title blocks. However, users needed to add manual text, place specific autotexts for each subset in the Layout Book, or create additional Master Layouts to work around some limitations.


Archicad 26 offers several new user-requested Autotext options and, thus, more useful information is available.


Let layouts indicate their master layout name and size


Use these three new autotexts to display Master Layout information on your layouts:

  • Master Layout Name


Master Layout.png



Use these four new autotexts for automatic handling of subset information on your layouts:

  • Layout Number in Current Subset





Note that the list of subsets in the autotext picker matches the order of the Layout Book.


Faster, more accurate documentation


Thanks to automated layouts, users can use their time for more creative tasks and have their documentation set ready faster and more efficiently, with more automatically updated information in title blocks.


Workflow note:


The Layout autotext sizes are linked to ‘Options’ > ‘Project Preferences’ > ‘Working units…’



Learn about all the new documentation features of Archicad 26:


To learn more about all the new features of Archicad 26, read this article.


Hi, Is there any plan to make Archicad able to use Autotext based on Layout Info Scheme and Project Info, to generate Layout ID (or Drawing Name) which complies ISO-19650-2-2018, where variables need to be placed not only at the end of the Layout ID.

I appreciate there is an option to use Autotext to generate Drawing Number displayed on the drawing, but that cannot be listed in the Issue List for example.

Currently most drawings need to be numbered individually, sometimes a few hundred in a large project.

Screenshot 2022-06-28 at 17.22.04.pngScreenshot 2022-07-26 at 12.28.48.png


Hi @psebes I suspect you can do this using Python scripts.

Kevin Lee

Am I missing a step here? On GS website, It's showing the new autotext to call the master size (i.e A3) but there is no option to add the size?

Screen Shot 2022-10-11 at 9.39.42 am.pngScreen Shot 2022-10-11 at 9.39.21 am.png

Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin

That is not he value that can be obtained using Autotext. Notice that the name of that field in your screenshot is "Size", not "Name".

When you define a Master Layout, you can specify a Name for it. That is the value the "Master Layout Name" Autotext can display.

Kevin Lee

exactly @Laszlo Nagy  

but you wouldn't name your master to be just "A1" or "A3" right? I have 7 x A3 masters in the template (covering schematic design to for construction stages)

Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 8.43.45 am.png

I still can't figure out how helpful the master width and height are, but if you are thinking of adding autotext to the system, it should be a more practical option. my thoughts are.

1. introduce Master ID or prefix 

2. Add an option to express any string values in the autotext.

Laszlo Nagy
Community Admin
Community Admin

@Kevin Lee  You should make wishes for these features if you want them implemented.

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