Okay, a little background.
We have been slowly migrating from ArchiCAD 8.1 to 10, and now we've finally started putting the first of out version 10 projects on paper. Now I know that we've jumped 2 versions, and I'm aware that 9 was a big leap from 8, but I just was wondering if anyone can offer any suggestions to my problem.
Here's the problem.. a good dozen or so of our fills that appeared correctly when printed/plotted in AC8.1 appear 10x as dense in AC10. Gypsum Board, 75%, 50%, 25%, etc. all appear to be solid when plotted at full size (B&W). even if I start a completely new file, and just draw a few things and then print it, those default 10 fills plot as solid black, even with a moderate pen weight applied to the fill.
I'm assuming that going into the fill types and modifying the spacing [point size] would fix this problem.. but doing that for every existing file would be a headache (even if I propagated this with an aat file). Am I missing something.. how does everyone else cope with this?