alemanda wrote:
Sorry but It's not yet clear to me how you build and update your database.
I'd appreciate if you share a more detailed description ...
First of all it seems that there are more than one ways.
1st using a label that requests associated object properties. This one I suggested. This one is based on list schemes.
2nd using a label that requests associated library part parameters.
this one is based on schedules (and possibly list schemes)
For the first one an example label can be found in this post:
For the second one Frank Beister has given a good example under this link:
In the following link Kristian G states that he can schedule labels. I tried it I managed to setup the scheme but it wouldn't show info. Have to look more into it.
Now for the 1st method.
To make the Database
Commands Calculation Menu: Edit Database> New Database> Name it Keynotes.
Start making Descriptors for each keynote or use the macro and the method of Erik Wilk for importing from excel. When I'm talking macro you have to have the book that will give you access to the forum to download the examples of the book and some extra tools the two macros fro descriptors and components. When I'm talking method I mean that after you create with the macros the two txt files that contain the descriptor and component databases you have to replace them with the ones created by archicad at the time you created the keynotes database. You will find these files usualy in C:\Program Files\GRAPHISOFT\ARCHICAD 20\ARCHICAD Library 20\List Templates 20\Property Data 20. Their names will be KEYNOTES_COMP and KEYNOTES_DESC.
After you have created the database you have three ways to attach propertie objects (containing the descriptros you want) to the elements or objects.
For elements you can use Link Property Objects to criteria or link individualy
For objects you have a third method, to open the object, with Ctrl+Shift+O and in the descriptor dialog link the descriptor you need from the database.
Now for the List scheme.
Edit List schemes> On the left pane you dublicate the default component list scheme in the KEYNOTES database.
On first Tab "Components" where it says "by keys" select only the KEYNOTES database as source of information to the document.
The rest of the settings on this tab you will use to filter:
"by layers" make this the same as the layer combination of the view that you want to Keynote.
"by type" the types that you are keynoting
"List fills and Objects included in" you select viewpoints, sections, elevations etc
"By story" you filter the story when keynoting a floorplan
On Second Tab "Properties & Parameters" you set the data that will be requested TO your document there select only descriptors. and check all related buttons "Full Keycode", "Keyname"," Descriptor code"," full text".
Now this set of data will create four entries in the third Tab "List Format".
The list type will already be graphic template because you dublicated the default list earlier wich is based on a graphic template.
The four entries you selected in the previous tab will be seen in the lower window. These four entries by the order they are set there, they will be given by archicad the variable names #Value1, #Value2, #Value3, Value4 and their names will be #Name1, Name2, etc. These values can be entered in any field or all of them in the same. What I'm trying to say is that you have just defined variables by now and has nothing to do with the document structure.
Now go to format wizard dublicate the "descriptror list by keys"
I don't think that it matters which one you will dublicate because you will empty all of it's info before setting up yours
Give name Keynote01 or whatever you like
define page size
Select Header in this dialog select in the second field "empty header"
Do the same for the rest footer, background, First Page Header, First Page Footer. Now you have emptied your page.
Now the records Tab this tab defines the structure of the document Records to display One by One, Totals Subtotals and Headlines.
Each record can have many fields and each field can have many variables
So for the keynote example you will need to select one Headline and one Record to diplay one by one
the headline will be descriptor "keyname" and the record to display one by one will be descriptor full text. Here you actually have defined to different kinds of record the headline and the repetitive item because as I mentioned above each record can have many fields and each field many variables.
Now on the fields tab
1st record headline
make two fields 1 row 2 columns
in first cell put the descriptor keycode in second cell put the descriptor keyname
2nd record Repetitive item
do the same two fields 1 row 2 columns
in first cell put both Keycode and descriptor code. It will look like this #Value1-#Value2 tha dash is just text between the two values.
in second cell put descriptor full text. And you are ready.
now when you are getting out of the dialog of format wizard uncheck include in list scheme. It will ask you to save the scheme. Save it Keynotes01
The Keynotes01 is in the embeded library too. Go to library manager export it and overwrite the one you made just a minute ago and delete from library.
reload all libraries so the new files will be reloaded again without being in the embeded library. Now everything is set up
To do the linework:
Locate and open the keynote01.txt with notepad
search for the LEVEL statement. Notice the {} marks
the columns contain
after closing the columns and
before closing the level, you can put your graphic item code.
graphic item syntax can be found in the "list scheme syntax" document that can be found in older posts in AC-Talk
Best Regards