I received an answer from our developers. It turned out to be a limitation of the Wall End object rather than a defect. Wall Ends behaves similarly to a Window: under the cut plane, it is not visible. Since the Wall End is not "shown" at all when it is under the cut plane, switching between PSD options does not really affect the end of the Wall in 2D.
The object probably would need to be completely rewritten (and/or rewritten wall also), so it would be a large project in order to fix this.
A possible workaround may be using profiled columns instead of wall ends, to turn skins. You'll have to create one end-profile for each composite you want to terminate, so take a few more minutes to set up than regular wall ends (please see the screenshot). But they are correct in 3D cuts too (including 3D documents). But those may have other unwanted side-effects.
Or in simpler cases, just adding an extra piece of the same composite wall in an L-joint can also do the trick - see attached image.
I hope this helps you with the issue. If you have any further question feel free to ask me again!
Best regards,
Minh Nguyen
Technical Support Engineer