(intake of breath in preparation for rant)
But, Canada, being so polite in becoming "metric" back in the seventies, is dishonest about it.
Our building materials, because of exports to the USA (no matter how hard their softwood lumber guys protest) are all still imperial modules, even if described with metric equivalents.
For instance:
a 2x4 is 38x89mm - unllike in New Zealand where a 2x4 is a he-man sized 50x100mm. Much better in a fight.
Our plywood, while made in accurate metric thicknesses like (sanded) 6,8,11,14,etc - is 1220x2440mm. (really 1219x1238) - and you can get a 2500 length, at least, and for special orders 1200x2400, (but try and buy just one of those at the lumber yard.) Go figure.
Rational schmational!
Dwight Atkinson