Hi, I got 2 questions, about pdf and pictures in layouts,
may someone can help me.
I want to Know how to create a small pdf of an already made plotmaker-Layout of "archicad 9".
Its an older project and I need it to fit in an email not for printing, just a presentation. Its a Layout witch includes pictures in tiff and psd formats.
The problem is after generating the pdf with the publisher, the pdf`s a look horrible.
-The lines are total fat (the drawings are made with hairlines!) most colours are not right.
-And the pictures don't use the right backround-transparency. (So that the beautiful trees i used have white backrounds and stand in front of my drawings...)
The print i get of the plottmakerversion was correct! Just the pdf on screen wasn`t. Why?
I actually tried to transform the layout in archicad 10, but it wont work.
2. Question:
In Archicad 10, you think its better to load pictures direct in the drawings or is it better to load them in the (integrated) plotmaker?
When i load pictures in the drawing it seems to me easier, but the pictures get enormous big and in the further version no.9 there was a button witch i miss know (in plotmaker) there was the option to make the picture on the screen as a bitmap or just not to see, so that the workflow was much faster when many pictures and stuff is loaded in the layout. Where to get this option now. Does ArchiCad forget it?
And also the question about pdf!?-If i wright a pdf of this its so big that i cant easy mail it, i think because of the big pictures. But, do i realy have to make two separate layouts? One for printing with pictures of 300dpi and one for screens with extra loaded 75dpi or what?
How does it function?
it would be glad if someone could help me. Thanx, Sam.