Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.

About building parametric objects with GDL.

Legacy Calculation Layout Language PDF?


Does anyone have a copy of this...it explained the actual layout language...I remember it wasnt a big document.



Mark Wesse
AC26 | Win10 | Since v6.5r
Architerion - Architectural Systems Developer
Aurasphere - Acoustics
Building Biology - Human Compatible Architecture
"--- Every time...do it better ---"


Accepted Solutions
Peter Baksa



here it is attached.

And the format of the list scheme (.lis) file:

Format of a List Scheme file

V1.13	// Version number
i_number_of_schemes tab i_default_scheme
		// i_number_of_schemes (integer, 32 bits): Number of the schemes in this file (>= 6)
		// i_default_scheme    (integer, 32 bits): Order number of the default scheme (>= 1, and <= i_number_of_schemes)

// This part is repeated i_number_of_schemes times:

s_scheme_name tab i_scheme_type tab s_template_name
		// s_scheme_name (string, max. 31 chars):   Name of the list scheme
		// i_scheme_type (integer, 16 bits):        Type of the scheme. 0: zone list, 1: element list, 2: component list
		// s_template_name (string, max. 31 chars): Name of the template file or the layout to use
tab x_options1 tab x_options2 tab x_param_options1 tab x_param_options2 tab d_minimal_opening tab x_options3
		// x_options1 (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits):
		//			0x00000001 all types
		//			0x00000002 walls
		//			0x00000004 columns
		//			0x00000008 windows
		//			0x00000010 doors
		//			0x00000020 slabs
		//			0x00000040 roofs
		//			0x00000080 objects
		//			0x00000100 lights
		//			0x00000200 meshes
		//			0x00000400 hatches
		//			0x00000800 zones
		//			0x00001000 all linked property objects
		//			0x00002000 all layers
		//			0x00004000 skip elements without an associative label
		//			0x00008000 skip elements with an empty ID field
		//			0x00010000 all stories
		//			0x00020000 all keys
		//			0x00040000 merge object specific components
		//			0x00180000 what components to be used from database:
		//				0x00080000 all components from database
		//				0x00100000 selected components from database
		//				0x00180000 no components from database
		//			0x00200000 merge object specific descriptors
		//			0x00C00000 what descriptors to be used from database:
		//				0x00400000 all descriptors
		//				0x00800000 selected descriptors
		//				0x00C00000 no descriptors
		//			0x01000000 list library parts' additional paramters
		//			0x02000000 show column headers
		//			0x04000000 group and count identical elements
		//			0x08000000 unfold components
		//			0x10000000 unfold descriptors
		//			0x20000000 use graphic template
		//			0xC0000000 reserved (zero)
		// x_options2 (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits):
		//			0x00000001 list component key codes
		//			0x00000002 list component key names
		//			0x00000004 list component codes
		//			0x00000008 list descriptor key codes
		//			0x00000010 list descriptor key names
		//			0x00000020 list descriptor codes
		//			0x00000040 list component units
		//			0x00000080 list component reference units
		//			0x00000100 list descriptor full text
		//			0x00000200 all zone categories
		//			0x00000400 filter zones by zone number field
		//			0x00000800 skip if zone number field is empty
		//			0x00001000 skip zones with an empty ID field
		//			0x0000E000 zone number filters:
		//				0x00002000 contains
		//				0x00004000 starts with
		//				0x00006000 ends with
		//				0x00008000 is
		//				0x0000A000 is not
		//			0x00010000 include template into list scheme
		//			0x00020000 all keys (related construction)
		//			0x00040000 merge object specific components (related construction)
		//			0x00180000 what components to be used from database (related construction):
		//				0x00080000 all components from database
		//				0x00100000 selected components from database
		//				0x00180000 no components from database
		//			0x00200000 merge object specific descriptors (related construction)
		//			0x00C00000 what descriptors to be used from database (related construction):
		//				0x00400000 all descriptors
		//				0x00800000 selected descriptors
		//				0x00C00000 no descriptors
		//			0x01000000 list library parts' additional paramters (related construction)
		//			0x02000000 beams
		//			0x0C000000 reserved (zero)
		//			0x10000000 template created by wizard/assistant
		//			0x20000000 reserved (zero)
		//			0x40000000 read-only (user can unlock it)
		//			0x80000000 read-only (user cannot unlock it)
		// x_param_options1 (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits):
		//			0x00000001 all parameter types
		//			0x00000002 length parameter
		//			0x00000004 text parameter
		//			0x00000008 angle parameter
		//			0x00000010 material parameter
		//			0x00000020 real number parameter
		//			0x00000040 line type parameter
		//			0x00000080 integer number parameter
		//			0x00000100 fill type parameter
		//			0x00000200 boolean parameter
		//			0x00000400 pen parameter
		//			0xFFFFF800 reserved (zero)
		// x_param_options2 (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits):
		//			like previous one for related constructions
		// d_minimal_opening (double float): Reduce wall quantity if an opening is larger than this value
		//			(in square meters)
		// x_options3 (hexadecimal integer, 16 bits):
		//			0x0001 Component key code fragment #1
		// 			0x0002 Component key code fragment #2
		// 			0x0004 Component key code fragment #3
		// 			0x0008 Component key code fragment #4
		// 			0x0010 Descriptor key code fragment #1
		// 			0x0020 Descriptor key code fragment #2
		// 			0x0040 Descriptor key code fragment #3
		// 			0x0080 Descriptor key code fragment #4
		// 			0xFF00 reserved (zero)
tab i_number_of_layers tab i_layer_1
tab                    tab i_layer_2
tab                    tab i_layer_i_number_of_layers
		// i_number_of_layers (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected layers
		// i_layer_k (integer, 16 bits);          Attribute ID of the kth selected layer
tab i_number_of_zone_categories tab i_zone_category_1
tab                                 tab i_zone_category_2
tab                                 tab i_zone_category_i_number_of_zone_categories
		// i_number_of_zone_categories (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected zone categories
		// i_zone_category_k (integer, 16 bits);           Attribute ID of the kth selected zone category
tab i_number_of_stories tab i_story_1
tab                     tab i_story_2
tab                     tab i_story_i_number_of_stories
		// i_number_of_stories (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected stories
		// i_story_k (integer, 16 bits);           Number of the kth selected story
tab i_number_of_keys tab s_key_code_1                tab s_database_1
tab                  tab s_key_code_2                tab s_database_2
tab                  tab s_key_code_i_number_of_keys tab s_database_i_number_of_keys
		// i_number_of_stories (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected keys
		// s_key_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Code of the kth selected key
		// s_database_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Name of the database, in which the kth selected key resides
tab i_number_of_keys tab s_key_code_1                tab s_database_1
tab                  tab s_key_code_2                tab s_database_2
tab                  tab s_key_code_i_number_of_keys tab s_database_i_number_of_keys
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions
tab i_number_of_global_parameters tab i_global_parameter_1
tab                               tab i_global_parameter_2
tab                               tab i_global_parameter_i_number_of_global_parameters
		// i_number_of_global_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected global element parameters
		// i_global_parameter_k (integer, 16 bits);          Order number of the kth global element parameter
		//	 1		Element type						21		Height
		//	 2		View Pen							22		Library Part Name
		//	 3		Section Pen							23		Associated Property Object
		//	 4		Composite Section Pens				24		Property Part(s) by Criteria
		//	 5		Line Type							25		Base Elevation
		//	 6		Fill Name / Composite Name			26		Associative Label
		//	 7		Composite Fill Names				27		Associated Label Object
		//	 8		Fill Pen							28		Zone Category Code (not in related construction)
		//	 9		Composite Fill Pens					29		Zone Category Name (not in related construction)
		//	10		Fill Background Pen					30		Zone Name (not in related construction)
		//	11		Composite Fill Background Pens		31		Zone Number (not in related construction)
		//	12		Material							32		Split Zone Number 1 (not in related construction)
		//	13		Layer Name							33		Split Zone Number 2 (not in related construction)
		//	14		User ID								34		Split Zone Number 3 (not in related construction)
		//	15		Internal ID							35		Split Zone Number 4 (not in related construction)
		//	16		Surface								36		Story Index (28 in the case of related construction)
		//	17		Volume								37		Story Name (29 in the case of related construction)
		//	18		Composite Volumes
		//	19		Thickness/Size
		//	20		Composite Thicknesses
tab i_number_of_extra_parameters tab i_extra_parameter_1
tab                              tab i_extra_parameter_2
tab                              tab i_extra_parameter_i_number_of_extra_parameters
		// i_number_of_extra_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected extra parameters
		// i_extra_parameter_k (integer, 16 bits);          Order number of the kth extra parameter
		// The order number of the upmost parameter meets condition is 1.
		//	Condition				Name
		//	all/door/window			Sill of the window/door
		//	all/door/window			Window/door jamb on the left side
		//	all/door/window			Window/door jamb on the right side
		//	all/door/window			Window/door sill/threshold depth
		//	all/door/window			Window/door head depth
		//	all/door/window			Reveal side is opposite to the opening side
		//	all/door/window			Frame thickness in window/door
		//	all/door/window			Offset of the door/window
		//	all/door/window			Window/door opening orientation
		//	all/door/window			Window/door marker text
		//	all/door/window			Subfloor thickness (sill correction)
		//	all/door/window			Window/door sill height prefix
		//	all/door/window			Distance of the local origin from the end...
		//	all/door/window			Parapet wall inset
		//	all/door/window			User ID of the wall
		//	all/door/window			Internal ID of the wall
		//	all/door/window			Thickness of the wall
		//	all/door/window			Inclination of the wall surfaces
		//	all/door/window			Height of the wall
		//	all/door/window/wall	3D resolution of a curved wall
		//	all/door/window/wall	Direction of the wall
		//	all/wall				Length of the wall on the reference line side
		//	all/wall				Length of the wall on the side opposite to...
		//	all/wall				No. of doors in the wall
		//	all/wall				No. of windows in the wall
		//	all/wall				No. of empty openings
		//	all/wall				Surface of doors in the wall
		//	all/wall				Surface of windows in the wall
		//	all/wall				Surface of windows in the wall
		//	all/wall				Surface of empty openings in the wall
		//	all/wall				Combined width of the windows in the wall
		//	all/wall				Combined width of the doors in the wall
		//	all/wall				No. of columns in the wall
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Length of the wall in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Surface of the wall in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Surface of the doors in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Width of the doors in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Surface of the windows in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Width of the windows in the Zone
		//	all/column				Thickness of the veneer
		//	all/column				Fill of the veneer
		//	all/column				Pen of the veneer fill
		//	all/column				Pen of the veneer fill background
		//	all/column				Surface of the veneer
		//	all/column				Volume of the veneer
		//	all/beam				Beam reference line offset
		//	all/beam				Beam to Beam priority nuumber
		//	all/beam				Beam reference line direction
		//	all/beam				Beam right side length
		//	all/beam				Beam left side length
		//	all/beam				No. of holes in the beam
		//	all/beam				Surface of holes in the beam
		//	all/beam				Surface of hole edges in the beam
		//	all/beam				Volume of holes in the beam
		//	all/slab				Perimeter of the slab
		//	all/slab				No. of segments of the slab
		//	all/slab				No. of holes of the slab
		//	all/slab				Area of holes of the slab
		//	all/slab				Perimeter of holes of the slab
		//	all/roof				Slope of the roof
		//	all/roof				Perimeter of the roof
		//	all/roof				No. of segments of the roof
		//	all/roof				No. of holes of the roof
		//	all/roof				Area of holes of the roof
		//	all/roof				Perimeter of holes of the roof
		//	all/fill				Perimeter of the fill
		//	all/fill				No. of segments of the fill
		//	all/fill				No. of holes of the fill
		//	all/fill				Perimeter of holes of the fill
		//	all/fill				Area of holes of the fill
		//	all/mesh				Type of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Relative offset of the bottom surface of the...
		//	all/mesh				Pen of the user defined ridges of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Pen of the triangulated edges of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Perimeter of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				No. of segments of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				No. of holes of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Area of holes of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Perimeter of holes of the mesh
tab i_number_of_zone_parameters tab i_zone_parameter_1
tab                             tab i_zone_parameter_2
tab                             tab i_zone_parameter_i_number_of_zone_parameters
		// i_number_of_zone_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected zone parameters
		// i_zone_parameter_k (integer, 16 bits);          Order number of the kth zone parameter
		//	 1		Zone Story Index					21		Total Doors Surface
		//	 2		Zone Story Name						22		Total Doors Width
		//	 3		Zone Category Code					23		Total Windows Surface
		//	 4		Zone Category Name					24		Total Windows Width
		//	 5		Zone Name							25		Number of All Corners
		//	 6		Zone Number							26		Number of Concave Corners
		//	 7		Zone Number 1						27		Wall Inset Top Surface
		//	 8		Zone Number 2						28		Wall Inset Back Side Surface
		//	 9		Zone Number 3						29		Wall Inset Side Surface
		//	10		Zone Number 4						30		Extracted Wall Area
		//	11		Zone Floor Level					31		Extracted Column Area
		//	12		Zone Subfloor Thickness				32		Extracted Fill Area
		//	13		Zone Height							33		Extracted Low Areas
		//	14		Measured Area						34		Extracted Area Total
		//	15		Measured Net Area					35		Reduced Area
		//	16		Zone Perimeter						36		Zone Area Reducement
		//	17		Zone Net Perimeter					37		Zone Calculated Area
		//	18		Zone Holes Perimeter				38		Zone Volume
		//	19		Walls along Perimeter				39		Zone Pen
		//	20		Surround. Wall Surface				40		Zone Layer Name
		//							41		Zone User ID
		//							42		Zone Internal ID
		//							43		Zone Library Part Name
		//							44		Zone Associated Property Part
		//							45		Zone Drawing
tab i_number_of_components tab s_code_1                      tab s_key_code_1                      tab s_database_1
tab                        tab s_code_2                      tab s_key_code_2                      tab s_database_2
tab                        tab s_code_i_number_of_components tab s_key_code_i_number_of_components tab s_database_i_number_of_components
		// i_number_of_components (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected components
		// s_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):       Code of the kth selected component
		// s_key_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Code of the associated key of the kth selected component
		// s_database_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Name of the database, in which the kth selected component resides
tab i_number_of_components tab s_code_1                      tab s_key_code_1                      tab s_database_1
tab                        tab s_code_2                      tab s_key_code_2                      tab s_database_2
tab                        tab s_code_i_number_of_components tab s_key_code_i_number_of_components tab s_database_i_number_of_components
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions
tab i_number_of_descriptors tab s_code_1                       tab s_key_code_1                       tab s_database_1
tab                         tab s_code_2                       tab s_key_code_2                       tab s_database_2
tab                         tab s_code_i_number_of_descriptors tab s_key_code_i_number_of_descriptors tab s_database_i_number_of_descriptors
		// i_number_of_descriptors (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected descriptors
		// s_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):       Code of the kth selected descriptor
		// s_key_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Code of the associated key of the kth selected descriptor
		// s_database_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Name of the database, in which the kth selected descriptor resides
tab i_number_of_descriptors tab s_code_1                       tab s_key_code_1                       tab s_database_1
tab                         tab s_code_2                       tab s_key_code_2                       tab s_database_2
tab                         tab s_code_i_number_of_descriptors tab s_key_code_i_number_of_descriptors tab s_database_i_number_of_descriptors
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions
tab i_number_of_library_parts tab i_type_1                         tab s_library_part_name_1
tab                           tab i_type_2                         tab s_library_part_name_2
tab                           tab i_type_i_number_of_library_parts tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_library_parts
		// i_number_of_library_parts (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected library parts
		// i_type_k (integer, 8 bits): Type of the kth selected library part (1: door, 2: window, 3: object, 4: lamp, 6: room, 8: property)
		// s_library_part_name_k (string, max. 31 chars): Name of the kth library part
		// This first library part list contains the selected property library parts (the types are properties).
tab i_number_of_library_parts tab i_type_1                         tab s_library_part_name_1
tab                           tab i_type_2                         tab s_library_part_name_2
tab                           tab i_type_i_number_of_library_parts tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_library_parts
		// Same as the previous block. This list contains the library parts containing the selected additional parameters.
		// The types are door, window, object, or lamp for element and component list, room for zone list.
tab i_number_of_library_parts tab i_type_1                         tab s_library_part_name_1
tab                           tab i_type_2                         tab s_library_part_name_2
tab                           tab i_type_i_number_of_library_parts tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_library_parts
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions. The types are door, window, object, or lamp
tab i_number_of_add_parameters tab i_type_1                          tab s_library_part_name_1                          tab s_parameter_name_1
tab                            tab i_type_2                          tab s_library_part_name_2                          tab s_parameter_name_2
tab                            tab i_type_i_number_of_add_parameters tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_add_parameters tab s_parameter_name_i_number_of_add_parameters
		// i_number_of_add_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected additional parameters
		// i_type_k (integer, 8 bits): Type of the kth selected additional parameter (0: integer number, 2: length, 3: angle, 4: real number,
		//                             8: line type, 9: material, 10: fill pattern, 11: pen, 12: text, 13: boolean)
		// s_library_part_name_k (string, max. 31 chars): Name of the library part contains the kth additional parameter
		// s_parameter_name_k (string, max. 255 chars):   Name of the kth additional parameter
tab i_number_of_add_parameters tab i_type_1                          tab s_library_part_name_1                          tab s_parameter_name_1
tab                            tab i_type_2                          tab s_library_part_name_2                          tab s_parameter_name_2
tab                            tab i_type_i_number_of_add_parameters tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_add_parameters tab s_parameter_name_i_number_of_add_parameters
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions
tab i_number_of_parameters tab i_type_1                      tab i_set_1                      tab x_options_1                      tab s_prefix_1
tab                        tab i_type_2                      tab i_set_2                      tab x_options_2                      tab s_prefix_2
tab                        tab i_type_i_number_of_parameters tab i_set_i_number_of_parameters tab x_options_i_number_of_parameters tab s_prefix_i_number_of_parameters
		// i_number_of_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of parameters to list out
		// i_type_k (integer, 16 bits): Type of the kth parameter to list
		//		  -1	Separator between the basic set and the set of related constructions
		//		1001	Element type						4001	Zone Story Index
		//		1002	View Pen							4002	Zone Story Name
		//		1003	Section Pen							4003	Zone Category Code
		//		1004	Composite Section Pens				4004	Zone Category Name
		//		1005	Line Type							4005	Zone Name
		//		1006	Fill Name / Composite Name			4006	Zone Number
		//		1007	Composite Fill Names				4007	Zone Number 1
		//		1008	Fill Pen							4008	Zone Number 2
		//		1009	Composite Fill Pens					4009	Zone Number 3
		//		1010	Fill Background Pen					4010	Zone Number 4
		//		1011	Composite Fill Background Pens		4011	Zone Floor Level
		//		1012	Material							4012	Zone Subfloor Thickness
		//		1013	Layer Name							4013	Zone Height
		//		1014	User ID								4014	Measured Area
		//		1015	Internal ID							4015	Measured Net Area
		//		1016	Surface								4016	Zone Perimeter
		//		1017	Volume								4017	Zone Net Perimeter
		//		1018	Composite Volumes					4018	Zone Holes Perimeter
		//		1019	Thickness/Size						4019	Walls along Perimeter
		//		1020	Composite Thicknesses				4020	Surround. Wall Surface
		//		1021	Height								4021	Total Doors Surface
		//		1022	Library Part Name					4022	Total Doors Width
		//		1023	Associated Property Object			4023	Total Windows Surface
		//		1024	Property Part(s) by Criteria		4024	Total Windows Width
		//		1025	Base Elevation						4025	Number of All Corners
		//		1026	Associative Label					4026	Number of Concave Corners
		//		1027	Associated Label Object				4027	Wall Inset Top Surface
		//		1028	Zone Category Code					4028	Wall Inset Back Side Surface
		//		1029	Zone Category Name					4029	Wall Inset Side Surface
		//		1030	Zone Name							4030	Extracted Wall Area
		//		1031	Zone Number							4031	Extracted Column Area
		//		1032	Split Zone Number 1					4032	Extracted Fill Area
		//		1033	Split Zone Number 2					4033	Extracted Low Areas
		//		1034	Split Zone Number 3					4034	Extracted Area Total
		//		1035	Split Zone Number 4					4035	Reduced Area
		//		1036	Story Index							4036	Zone Area Reducement
		//		1037	Story Name							4037	Zone Calculated Area
		//		1038	--- not used ---					4038	Zone Volume
		//		1039	All Library Parts' Add. Parameters	4039	Zone Pen
		//		1040	Object Specific Components			4040	Zone Layer Name
		//		1041	Object Specific Descriptors			4041	Zone User ID
		//		1042	All Components from Databases		4042	Zone Internal ID
		//		1043	All Descriptors from Databases		4043	Zone Library Part Name
		//													4044	Zone Associated Property Part
		//		2001	Component from a database			4045	Zone Drawing
		//		2002	Descriptor from a database
		//		2003	Library part's additional parameter
		//		2004	--- not used ---
		//		3001	Component name						3101	Descriptor short text
		//		3002	Component quantity					3102	Descriptor full text
		//		3003	Component key code					3103	Descriptor key code
		//		3004	Component key name					3104	Descriptor key name
		//		3005	Component code						3105	Descriptor code
		//		3006	Component unit name					3106	Descriptor key code fragment #1
		//		3007	Component reference unit			3107	Descriptor key code fragment #2
		//		3008	Component key code fragment #1		3108	Descriptor key code fragment #3
		//		3009	Component key code fragment #2		3109	Descriptor key code fragment #4
		//		3010	Component key code fragment #3
		//		3011	Component key code fragment #4
		// i_set_k (integer, 16 bits):  Basic set (0) or related construction (1)
		// x_options_k (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits): Options of the kth parameter
		//		0x00000001 custom parameter name
		//		0x00000002 use reference quantity
		//		0x00000004 use descriptor short text only
		//		0x00000008 list on separate level
		//		0x00000010 use for grouping and total
		//		0x00000020 decreasing order
		//		0xFFFFFFC0 reserved (zero)
		// s_prefix_k (string, max. 255 chars): Usually the custom parameter name, but it can contain the
		// key code or the variable name of the additional parameter
tab s_zone_filter tab c_separator_1 c_separator_2 c_separator_3
		// s_zone_filter (string, max. 252 chars): The condition string for zone filtering
		// c_separator_1 (char): row separator character of plain list
		// c_separator_2 (char): column separator character of plain list
		// c_separator_3 (char): mark for 'none' in plain list
tab s_line_1
tab s_line_2
tab [===]
		// s_line_k (string): The kth line of the included template


Péter Baksa
Software Engineer, Library
Graphisoft SE, Budapest

View solution in original post

Peter Baksa



here it is attached.

And the format of the list scheme (.lis) file:

Format of a List Scheme file

V1.13	// Version number
i_number_of_schemes tab i_default_scheme
		// i_number_of_schemes (integer, 32 bits): Number of the schemes in this file (>= 6)
		// i_default_scheme    (integer, 32 bits): Order number of the default scheme (>= 1, and <= i_number_of_schemes)

// This part is repeated i_number_of_schemes times:

s_scheme_name tab i_scheme_type tab s_template_name
		// s_scheme_name (string, max. 31 chars):   Name of the list scheme
		// i_scheme_type (integer, 16 bits):        Type of the scheme. 0: zone list, 1: element list, 2: component list
		// s_template_name (string, max. 31 chars): Name of the template file or the layout to use
tab x_options1 tab x_options2 tab x_param_options1 tab x_param_options2 tab d_minimal_opening tab x_options3
		// x_options1 (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits):
		//			0x00000001 all types
		//			0x00000002 walls
		//			0x00000004 columns
		//			0x00000008 windows
		//			0x00000010 doors
		//			0x00000020 slabs
		//			0x00000040 roofs
		//			0x00000080 objects
		//			0x00000100 lights
		//			0x00000200 meshes
		//			0x00000400 hatches
		//			0x00000800 zones
		//			0x00001000 all linked property objects
		//			0x00002000 all layers
		//			0x00004000 skip elements without an associative label
		//			0x00008000 skip elements with an empty ID field
		//			0x00010000 all stories
		//			0x00020000 all keys
		//			0x00040000 merge object specific components
		//			0x00180000 what components to be used from database:
		//				0x00080000 all components from database
		//				0x00100000 selected components from database
		//				0x00180000 no components from database
		//			0x00200000 merge object specific descriptors
		//			0x00C00000 what descriptors to be used from database:
		//				0x00400000 all descriptors
		//				0x00800000 selected descriptors
		//				0x00C00000 no descriptors
		//			0x01000000 list library parts' additional paramters
		//			0x02000000 show column headers
		//			0x04000000 group and count identical elements
		//			0x08000000 unfold components
		//			0x10000000 unfold descriptors
		//			0x20000000 use graphic template
		//			0xC0000000 reserved (zero)
		// x_options2 (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits):
		//			0x00000001 list component key codes
		//			0x00000002 list component key names
		//			0x00000004 list component codes
		//			0x00000008 list descriptor key codes
		//			0x00000010 list descriptor key names
		//			0x00000020 list descriptor codes
		//			0x00000040 list component units
		//			0x00000080 list component reference units
		//			0x00000100 list descriptor full text
		//			0x00000200 all zone categories
		//			0x00000400 filter zones by zone number field
		//			0x00000800 skip if zone number field is empty
		//			0x00001000 skip zones with an empty ID field
		//			0x0000E000 zone number filters:
		//				0x00002000 contains
		//				0x00004000 starts with
		//				0x00006000 ends with
		//				0x00008000 is
		//				0x0000A000 is not
		//			0x00010000 include template into list scheme
		//			0x00020000 all keys (related construction)
		//			0x00040000 merge object specific components (related construction)
		//			0x00180000 what components to be used from database (related construction):
		//				0x00080000 all components from database
		//				0x00100000 selected components from database
		//				0x00180000 no components from database
		//			0x00200000 merge object specific descriptors (related construction)
		//			0x00C00000 what descriptors to be used from database (related construction):
		//				0x00400000 all descriptors
		//				0x00800000 selected descriptors
		//				0x00C00000 no descriptors
		//			0x01000000 list library parts' additional paramters (related construction)
		//			0x02000000 beams
		//			0x0C000000 reserved (zero)
		//			0x10000000 template created by wizard/assistant
		//			0x20000000 reserved (zero)
		//			0x40000000 read-only (user can unlock it)
		//			0x80000000 read-only (user cannot unlock it)
		// x_param_options1 (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits):
		//			0x00000001 all parameter types
		//			0x00000002 length parameter
		//			0x00000004 text parameter
		//			0x00000008 angle parameter
		//			0x00000010 material parameter
		//			0x00000020 real number parameter
		//			0x00000040 line type parameter
		//			0x00000080 integer number parameter
		//			0x00000100 fill type parameter
		//			0x00000200 boolean parameter
		//			0x00000400 pen parameter
		//			0xFFFFF800 reserved (zero)
		// x_param_options2 (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits):
		//			like previous one for related constructions
		// d_minimal_opening (double float): Reduce wall quantity if an opening is larger than this value
		//			(in square meters)
		// x_options3 (hexadecimal integer, 16 bits):
		//			0x0001 Component key code fragment #1
		// 			0x0002 Component key code fragment #2
		// 			0x0004 Component key code fragment #3
		// 			0x0008 Component key code fragment #4
		// 			0x0010 Descriptor key code fragment #1
		// 			0x0020 Descriptor key code fragment #2
		// 			0x0040 Descriptor key code fragment #3
		// 			0x0080 Descriptor key code fragment #4
		// 			0xFF00 reserved (zero)
tab i_number_of_layers tab i_layer_1
tab                    tab i_layer_2
tab                    tab i_layer_i_number_of_layers
		// i_number_of_layers (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected layers
		// i_layer_k (integer, 16 bits);          Attribute ID of the kth selected layer
tab i_number_of_zone_categories tab i_zone_category_1
tab                                 tab i_zone_category_2
tab                                 tab i_zone_category_i_number_of_zone_categories
		// i_number_of_zone_categories (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected zone categories
		// i_zone_category_k (integer, 16 bits);           Attribute ID of the kth selected zone category
tab i_number_of_stories tab i_story_1
tab                     tab i_story_2
tab                     tab i_story_i_number_of_stories
		// i_number_of_stories (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected stories
		// i_story_k (integer, 16 bits);           Number of the kth selected story
tab i_number_of_keys tab s_key_code_1                tab s_database_1
tab                  tab s_key_code_2                tab s_database_2
tab                  tab s_key_code_i_number_of_keys tab s_database_i_number_of_keys
		// i_number_of_stories (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected keys
		// s_key_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Code of the kth selected key
		// s_database_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Name of the database, in which the kth selected key resides
tab i_number_of_keys tab s_key_code_1                tab s_database_1
tab                  tab s_key_code_2                tab s_database_2
tab                  tab s_key_code_i_number_of_keys tab s_database_i_number_of_keys
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions
tab i_number_of_global_parameters tab i_global_parameter_1
tab                               tab i_global_parameter_2
tab                               tab i_global_parameter_i_number_of_global_parameters
		// i_number_of_global_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected global element parameters
		// i_global_parameter_k (integer, 16 bits);          Order number of the kth global element parameter
		//	 1		Element type						21		Height
		//	 2		View Pen							22		Library Part Name
		//	 3		Section Pen							23		Associated Property Object
		//	 4		Composite Section Pens				24		Property Part(s) by Criteria
		//	 5		Line Type							25		Base Elevation
		//	 6		Fill Name / Composite Name			26		Associative Label
		//	 7		Composite Fill Names				27		Associated Label Object
		//	 8		Fill Pen							28		Zone Category Code (not in related construction)
		//	 9		Composite Fill Pens					29		Zone Category Name (not in related construction)
		//	10		Fill Background Pen					30		Zone Name (not in related construction)
		//	11		Composite Fill Background Pens		31		Zone Number (not in related construction)
		//	12		Material							32		Split Zone Number 1 (not in related construction)
		//	13		Layer Name							33		Split Zone Number 2 (not in related construction)
		//	14		User ID								34		Split Zone Number 3 (not in related construction)
		//	15		Internal ID							35		Split Zone Number 4 (not in related construction)
		//	16		Surface								36		Story Index (28 in the case of related construction)
		//	17		Volume								37		Story Name (29 in the case of related construction)
		//	18		Composite Volumes
		//	19		Thickness/Size
		//	20		Composite Thicknesses
tab i_number_of_extra_parameters tab i_extra_parameter_1
tab                              tab i_extra_parameter_2
tab                              tab i_extra_parameter_i_number_of_extra_parameters
		// i_number_of_extra_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected extra parameters
		// i_extra_parameter_k (integer, 16 bits);          Order number of the kth extra parameter
		// The order number of the upmost parameter meets condition is 1.
		//	Condition				Name
		//	all/door/window			Sill of the window/door
		//	all/door/window			Window/door jamb on the left side
		//	all/door/window			Window/door jamb on the right side
		//	all/door/window			Window/door sill/threshold depth
		//	all/door/window			Window/door head depth
		//	all/door/window			Reveal side is opposite to the opening side
		//	all/door/window			Frame thickness in window/door
		//	all/door/window			Offset of the door/window
		//	all/door/window			Window/door opening orientation
		//	all/door/window			Window/door marker text
		//	all/door/window			Subfloor thickness (sill correction)
		//	all/door/window			Window/door sill height prefix
		//	all/door/window			Distance of the local origin from the end...
		//	all/door/window			Parapet wall inset
		//	all/door/window			User ID of the wall
		//	all/door/window			Internal ID of the wall
		//	all/door/window			Thickness of the wall
		//	all/door/window			Inclination of the wall surfaces
		//	all/door/window			Height of the wall
		//	all/door/window/wall	3D resolution of a curved wall
		//	all/door/window/wall	Direction of the wall
		//	all/wall				Length of the wall on the reference line side
		//	all/wall				Length of the wall on the side opposite to...
		//	all/wall				No. of doors in the wall
		//	all/wall				No. of windows in the wall
		//	all/wall				No. of empty openings
		//	all/wall				Surface of doors in the wall
		//	all/wall				Surface of windows in the wall
		//	all/wall				Surface of windows in the wall
		//	all/wall				Surface of empty openings in the wall
		//	all/wall				Combined width of the windows in the wall
		//	all/wall				Combined width of the doors in the wall
		//	all/wall				No. of columns in the wall
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Length of the wall in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Surface of the wall in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Surface of the doors in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Width of the doors in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Surface of the windows in the Zone
		//	all/wall (zone list)	Width of the windows in the Zone
		//	all/column				Thickness of the veneer
		//	all/column				Fill of the veneer
		//	all/column				Pen of the veneer fill
		//	all/column				Pen of the veneer fill background
		//	all/column				Surface of the veneer
		//	all/column				Volume of the veneer
		//	all/beam				Beam reference line offset
		//	all/beam				Beam to Beam priority nuumber
		//	all/beam				Beam reference line direction
		//	all/beam				Beam right side length
		//	all/beam				Beam left side length
		//	all/beam				No. of holes in the beam
		//	all/beam				Surface of holes in the beam
		//	all/beam				Surface of hole edges in the beam
		//	all/beam				Volume of holes in the beam
		//	all/slab				Perimeter of the slab
		//	all/slab				No. of segments of the slab
		//	all/slab				No. of holes of the slab
		//	all/slab				Area of holes of the slab
		//	all/slab				Perimeter of holes of the slab
		//	all/roof				Slope of the roof
		//	all/roof				Perimeter of the roof
		//	all/roof				No. of segments of the roof
		//	all/roof				No. of holes of the roof
		//	all/roof				Area of holes of the roof
		//	all/roof				Perimeter of holes of the roof
		//	all/fill				Perimeter of the fill
		//	all/fill				No. of segments of the fill
		//	all/fill				No. of holes of the fill
		//	all/fill				Perimeter of holes of the fill
		//	all/fill				Area of holes of the fill
		//	all/mesh				Type of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Relative offset of the bottom surface of the...
		//	all/mesh				Pen of the user defined ridges of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Pen of the triangulated edges of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Perimeter of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				No. of segments of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				No. of holes of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Area of holes of the mesh
		//	all/mesh				Perimeter of holes of the mesh
tab i_number_of_zone_parameters tab i_zone_parameter_1
tab                             tab i_zone_parameter_2
tab                             tab i_zone_parameter_i_number_of_zone_parameters
		// i_number_of_zone_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected zone parameters
		// i_zone_parameter_k (integer, 16 bits);          Order number of the kth zone parameter
		//	 1		Zone Story Index					21		Total Doors Surface
		//	 2		Zone Story Name						22		Total Doors Width
		//	 3		Zone Category Code					23		Total Windows Surface
		//	 4		Zone Category Name					24		Total Windows Width
		//	 5		Zone Name							25		Number of All Corners
		//	 6		Zone Number							26		Number of Concave Corners
		//	 7		Zone Number 1						27		Wall Inset Top Surface
		//	 8		Zone Number 2						28		Wall Inset Back Side Surface
		//	 9		Zone Number 3						29		Wall Inset Side Surface
		//	10		Zone Number 4						30		Extracted Wall Area
		//	11		Zone Floor Level					31		Extracted Column Area
		//	12		Zone Subfloor Thickness				32		Extracted Fill Area
		//	13		Zone Height							33		Extracted Low Areas
		//	14		Measured Area						34		Extracted Area Total
		//	15		Measured Net Area					35		Reduced Area
		//	16		Zone Perimeter						36		Zone Area Reducement
		//	17		Zone Net Perimeter					37		Zone Calculated Area
		//	18		Zone Holes Perimeter				38		Zone Volume
		//	19		Walls along Perimeter				39		Zone Pen
		//	20		Surround. Wall Surface				40		Zone Layer Name
		//							41		Zone User ID
		//							42		Zone Internal ID
		//							43		Zone Library Part Name
		//							44		Zone Associated Property Part
		//							45		Zone Drawing
tab i_number_of_components tab s_code_1                      tab s_key_code_1                      tab s_database_1
tab                        tab s_code_2                      tab s_key_code_2                      tab s_database_2
tab                        tab s_code_i_number_of_components tab s_key_code_i_number_of_components tab s_database_i_number_of_components
		// i_number_of_components (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected components
		// s_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):       Code of the kth selected component
		// s_key_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Code of the associated key of the kth selected component
		// s_database_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Name of the database, in which the kth selected component resides
tab i_number_of_components tab s_code_1                      tab s_key_code_1                      tab s_database_1
tab                        tab s_code_2                      tab s_key_code_2                      tab s_database_2
tab                        tab s_code_i_number_of_components tab s_key_code_i_number_of_components tab s_database_i_number_of_components
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions
tab i_number_of_descriptors tab s_code_1                       tab s_key_code_1                       tab s_database_1
tab                         tab s_code_2                       tab s_key_code_2                       tab s_database_2
tab                         tab s_code_i_number_of_descriptors tab s_key_code_i_number_of_descriptors tab s_database_i_number_of_descriptors
		// i_number_of_descriptors (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected descriptors
		// s_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):       Code of the kth selected descriptor
		// s_key_code_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Code of the associated key of the kth selected descriptor
		// s_database_k (string, max. 31 chars):   Name of the database, in which the kth selected descriptor resides
tab i_number_of_descriptors tab s_code_1                       tab s_key_code_1                       tab s_database_1
tab                         tab s_code_2                       tab s_key_code_2                       tab s_database_2
tab                         tab s_code_i_number_of_descriptors tab s_key_code_i_number_of_descriptors tab s_database_i_number_of_descriptors
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions
tab i_number_of_library_parts tab i_type_1                         tab s_library_part_name_1
tab                           tab i_type_2                         tab s_library_part_name_2
tab                           tab i_type_i_number_of_library_parts tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_library_parts
		// i_number_of_library_parts (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected library parts
		// i_type_k (integer, 8 bits): Type of the kth selected library part (1: door, 2: window, 3: object, 4: lamp, 6: room, 8: property)
		// s_library_part_name_k (string, max. 31 chars): Name of the kth library part
		// This first library part list contains the selected property library parts (the types are properties).
tab i_number_of_library_parts tab i_type_1                         tab s_library_part_name_1
tab                           tab i_type_2                         tab s_library_part_name_2
tab                           tab i_type_i_number_of_library_parts tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_library_parts
		// Same as the previous block. This list contains the library parts containing the selected additional parameters.
		// The types are door, window, object, or lamp for element and component list, room for zone list.
tab i_number_of_library_parts tab i_type_1                         tab s_library_part_name_1
tab                           tab i_type_2                         tab s_library_part_name_2
tab                           tab i_type_i_number_of_library_parts tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_library_parts
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions. The types are door, window, object, or lamp
tab i_number_of_add_parameters tab i_type_1                          tab s_library_part_name_1                          tab s_parameter_name_1
tab                            tab i_type_2                          tab s_library_part_name_2                          tab s_parameter_name_2
tab                            tab i_type_i_number_of_add_parameters tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_add_parameters tab s_parameter_name_i_number_of_add_parameters
		// i_number_of_add_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of the selected additional parameters
		// i_type_k (integer, 8 bits): Type of the kth selected additional parameter (0: integer number, 2: length, 3: angle, 4: real number,
		//                             8: line type, 9: material, 10: fill pattern, 11: pen, 12: text, 13: boolean)
		// s_library_part_name_k (string, max. 31 chars): Name of the library part contains the kth additional parameter
		// s_parameter_name_k (string, max. 255 chars):   Name of the kth additional parameter
tab i_number_of_add_parameters tab i_type_1                          tab s_library_part_name_1                          tab s_parameter_name_1
tab                            tab i_type_2                          tab s_library_part_name_2                          tab s_parameter_name_2
tab                            tab i_type_i_number_of_add_parameters tab s_library_part_name_i_number_of_add_parameters tab s_parameter_name_i_number_of_add_parameters
		// Same as the previous block for related constructions
tab i_number_of_parameters tab i_type_1                      tab i_set_1                      tab x_options_1                      tab s_prefix_1
tab                        tab i_type_2                      tab i_set_2                      tab x_options_2                      tab s_prefix_2
tab                        tab i_type_i_number_of_parameters tab i_set_i_number_of_parameters tab x_options_i_number_of_parameters tab s_prefix_i_number_of_parameters
		// i_number_of_parameters (integer, 32 bits): Number of parameters to list out
		// i_type_k (integer, 16 bits): Type of the kth parameter to list
		//		  -1	Separator between the basic set and the set of related constructions
		//		1001	Element type						4001	Zone Story Index
		//		1002	View Pen							4002	Zone Story Name
		//		1003	Section Pen							4003	Zone Category Code
		//		1004	Composite Section Pens				4004	Zone Category Name
		//		1005	Line Type							4005	Zone Name
		//		1006	Fill Name / Composite Name			4006	Zone Number
		//		1007	Composite Fill Names				4007	Zone Number 1
		//		1008	Fill Pen							4008	Zone Number 2
		//		1009	Composite Fill Pens					4009	Zone Number 3
		//		1010	Fill Background Pen					4010	Zone Number 4
		//		1011	Composite Fill Background Pens		4011	Zone Floor Level
		//		1012	Material							4012	Zone Subfloor Thickness
		//		1013	Layer Name							4013	Zone Height
		//		1014	User ID								4014	Measured Area
		//		1015	Internal ID							4015	Measured Net Area
		//		1016	Surface								4016	Zone Perimeter
		//		1017	Volume								4017	Zone Net Perimeter
		//		1018	Composite Volumes					4018	Zone Holes Perimeter
		//		1019	Thickness/Size						4019	Walls along Perimeter
		//		1020	Composite Thicknesses				4020	Surround. Wall Surface
		//		1021	Height								4021	Total Doors Surface
		//		1022	Library Part Name					4022	Total Doors Width
		//		1023	Associated Property Object			4023	Total Windows Surface
		//		1024	Property Part(s) by Criteria		4024	Total Windows Width
		//		1025	Base Elevation						4025	Number of All Corners
		//		1026	Associative Label					4026	Number of Concave Corners
		//		1027	Associated Label Object				4027	Wall Inset Top Surface
		//		1028	Zone Category Code					4028	Wall Inset Back Side Surface
		//		1029	Zone Category Name					4029	Wall Inset Side Surface
		//		1030	Zone Name							4030	Extracted Wall Area
		//		1031	Zone Number							4031	Extracted Column Area
		//		1032	Split Zone Number 1					4032	Extracted Fill Area
		//		1033	Split Zone Number 2					4033	Extracted Low Areas
		//		1034	Split Zone Number 3					4034	Extracted Area Total
		//		1035	Split Zone Number 4					4035	Reduced Area
		//		1036	Story Index							4036	Zone Area Reducement
		//		1037	Story Name							4037	Zone Calculated Area
		//		1038	--- not used ---					4038	Zone Volume
		//		1039	All Library Parts' Add. Parameters	4039	Zone Pen
		//		1040	Object Specific Components			4040	Zone Layer Name
		//		1041	Object Specific Descriptors			4041	Zone User ID
		//		1042	All Components from Databases		4042	Zone Internal ID
		//		1043	All Descriptors from Databases		4043	Zone Library Part Name
		//													4044	Zone Associated Property Part
		//		2001	Component from a database			4045	Zone Drawing
		//		2002	Descriptor from a database
		//		2003	Library part's additional parameter
		//		2004	--- not used ---
		//		3001	Component name						3101	Descriptor short text
		//		3002	Component quantity					3102	Descriptor full text
		//		3003	Component key code					3103	Descriptor key code
		//		3004	Component key name					3104	Descriptor key name
		//		3005	Component code						3105	Descriptor code
		//		3006	Component unit name					3106	Descriptor key code fragment #1
		//		3007	Component reference unit			3107	Descriptor key code fragment #2
		//		3008	Component key code fragment #1		3108	Descriptor key code fragment #3
		//		3009	Component key code fragment #2		3109	Descriptor key code fragment #4
		//		3010	Component key code fragment #3
		//		3011	Component key code fragment #4
		// i_set_k (integer, 16 bits):  Basic set (0) or related construction (1)
		// x_options_k (hexadecimal integer, 32 bits): Options of the kth parameter
		//		0x00000001 custom parameter name
		//		0x00000002 use reference quantity
		//		0x00000004 use descriptor short text only
		//		0x00000008 list on separate level
		//		0x00000010 use for grouping and total
		//		0x00000020 decreasing order
		//		0xFFFFFFC0 reserved (zero)
		// s_prefix_k (string, max. 255 chars): Usually the custom parameter name, but it can contain the
		// key code or the variable name of the additional parameter
tab s_zone_filter tab c_separator_1 c_separator_2 c_separator_3
		// s_zone_filter (string, max. 252 chars): The condition string for zone filtering
		// c_separator_1 (char): row separator character of plain list
		// c_separator_2 (char): column separator character of plain list
		// c_separator_3 (char): mark for 'none' in plain list
tab s_line_1
tab s_line_2
tab [===]
		// s_line_k (string): The kth line of the included template


Péter Baksa
Software Engineer, Library
Graphisoft SE, Budapest

Brilliant Peter

Thanks SO much

Mark Wesse
AC26 | Win10 | Since v6.5r
Architerion - Architectural Systems Developer
Aurasphere - Acoustics
Building Biology - Human Compatible Architecture
"--- Every time...do it better ---"

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