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Archicad 26: the beta test is not (semi-) public anymore


Instead of involving the Archicad community even more and in a broader way in the development and testing of new versions and features, this year, the beta test of the upcoming Archicad 26 release is even more limited than it already was before.

No public applications were offered, but only a 'bubble' of selected and approved users were invited.

I rather doubt this strategy because the view, the tests, and the comments will be very limited (narrowed) to a few users' individual experiences and opinions.

Don't get me wrong: I do not doubt the qualification and skills of these testers.

But I am afraid of the less open and reduced testing opportunities (usage scenarios). 

Apple iMac Pro with macOS Sonoma, AC 5.0 to 27 INT and GER, all the latest
Carlos Cordeiro

@Romans wrote:

But I am afraid of the less open and reduced testing opportunities (usage scenarios). 

I Agree!! It makes one wonder if the current "outreach" is for "appearances" only.

But note that the current status is in Alpha only. Graphisoft has never released a Alpha version publicly and few software companies do. Perhaps Graphisoft will change their mind if more complain. For now, this does make me change my mind about the value of any future participation.


Windows 11 - Visual Studio 2022; ArchiCAD 27

I was about to post a longer rant about it, when I e-mailed them about the application earlier today... | actively using: AC25-27 INT | Rhino6-8 | macOS @ apple silicon / win10 x64

I have mixed views if it's a limited Beta test... If the new headline "feature" is focussed on a particular workflow then perhaps it is better to limit the responses to those with a major interest & relevant experience. On the other hand given the number of new bugs that have made it to public release with the general improvements then clearly the Beta testing hasn't been working anyway and I doubt that is down to a shortage of feedback. Perhaps the time not spent on answering the feedback will see better results as GS focus the time saved on bug fixing. I guess we will find out when the first public version of AC26 is released. I do hope the new version sees major improvements on stability & bug fixing otherwise I think AC is going to start loosing its market advantage.

Apple iMac Intel i9 / macOS Sonoma / AC27UKI (most recent builds.. if they work)

I hope to see the release of the new features publicly before renewing my ArchiPlus. 

Martin Luther Jules
AC 10-28 (Full)
Asus | 64 GB RAM | Windows 11

Graphisoft seem to have decided to double down on a very anti-user strategy.

And instead of turning back on their path of error, they sulk and surround themselves only with a hand-picked group. Reminds me of... yeah well, you know who.
I have no sympathy for a double closed beta. It's the wrong sign at the wrong time. Many long time beta testers who have made valuable contributions are no longer there.
I hardly think there will be any profit to be made from this.


All this after years of trying hinting and pointing to the guys over at McNeel. They do so many things right and could be a beacon for the whole industry. I have yet to come across an unhappy customer of Rhino...
/just my 2 cents

Lucas Becker | AC 27 on Mac | Author of Runxel's Archicad Wiki | Editor at SelfGDL | Developer of the GDL plugin for Sublime Text | My List of AC shortcomings & bugs | I Will Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again |

POSIWID – The Purpose Of a System Is What It Does /// «Furthermore, I consider that Carth... yearly releases must be destroyed»

It's a lack of transparency on Graphisoft's side.

Martin Luther Jules
AC 10-28 (Full)
Asus | 64 GB RAM | Windows 11

Maybe, when not pre-found-bugs are then "alpha-tested" by the full range of customers, they overthink their policy - or they see the cheapness of this solution "as reason".  It would be without any problems, if they would respond to bugs with real solutions much faster than now..

AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia

It seems Graphisoft is only interested in selling its product but no longer in support. Selling brings money, support and development costs money. It seems to me that the development is reduced to a minimum in order to stand out against the competition and to win new customers, i.e. to make a maximum profit.

Pretty facade, no substance.

We must buy what we see and know! It is a basic principle that exists in the Province in which I live in Canada.


When I see and know the new features of Archicad 26, I will renew my ArchiPlus.

Martin Luther Jules
AC 10-28 (Full)
Asus | 64 GB RAM | Windows 11

in order for people to support the product it should be tried and tested, its how we all fell in love in using this software but if they are going to the path of the dark side a lot of issues are showing and letting majority of the users to step in and solve their problems. 😐

In the end what is your Objective?
ArchiCAD 9 onwards

They took.....AAAALL the wrong messages from the backlash they received from their disastrous Archicad 25 release last year and decided double down on what wasn't working before and disregarding their users even more than they were before.
If you could have even imagined that to be possible.

Starting with this forum re-design that's made it harder to navigate this place and find things you're looking for or discussion pertinent to what you want.
(maybe that's intentional, to make it harder for people to complain)

I can't even begin to imagine what it's like as a new Archicad user trying to get help on something that you're not sure has been asked about before here.


But I digress,.

The notion of doubling down on this ultra-secrecy when it comes to development, (beta-)testing, user-engagment and feedback-response/addressing (or lack thereof), which customers have complained most about, and in this day and age when most softare development firms have embraced trying to find new ways to engage their users and customers more, simply boggles the mind.

But I can't say I'm surprised.

When they made a big show of acting like they'd do better in this regard late last year, I didn't hold out much hope.
If you've used this program long enough, you've seen this movie before (Archicad 8.0/8.1,.... anyone?)

Yes, they should go an sit themselves down with the development folks over at McNeel and see how a company that actually cares about user engagement actually does it.
But that'll never happen.

I look forward to the new release of Archicad chock full of new features and tools that no one asked for or uses - half-baked and half-finished - and yet another year of waiting for the long laundery list of buggy items to be fixed and/or improved.


Oh joy!

Maybe Graphisoft has too many engineers in its staff. Most oftenly, engineers don't have backgrounds to deal with clients' psychology, engagement, experience, as well as to study their behaviors, identify what can attract and make them happy with Archicad. The company should also seek to understand how different societies in which its clients live evolve in terms of  design and technology, architectural trends, building codes, etc. 

Martin Luther Jules
AC 10-28 (Full)
Asus | 64 GB RAM | Windows 11
Carlos Cordeiro

Hi Carlos,
Thank you for sharing this information!

Apple iMac Pro with macOS Sonoma, AC 5.0 to 27 INT and GER, all the latest

Appreciate the share!

In the end what is your Objective?
ArchiCAD 9 onwards

Is anyone looking forward to this release?


I honestly can't say I am.

And I don't even know a single thing about it (I didn't take part in the 'Technology Preview' shindig (**cough**RebrandedBetaTesting**cough**).


And that's precisely the problem right there.

In previous years, new releases have been preceded by a version release announcement by Graphisoft several weeks before the actual release - typically accompanied by videos showing off the new features to hype up and promote the new version -  and this year we've got nothing (outside of the aforementioned 'Technology Preview' which is just another one of those super-duper-secret treehouse club Key Client/Insider claptrap nonsense that GS seem to love so much).

Considering the fact that we're a week away from the INT version release and we've had nothing but radio silence from GS, this should be troubling.


It speaks volumes while at the same time simultaneously (and paradoxically) saying nothing at all. Especially when you compare with previous years when they've had this kind of radio silence before a release - which often then turned out to be disappointing releases.


Not even a hole in the wall  this time, Graphisoft?


I'm happy to be pleasantly surprised and proven wrong but I think I'll be right and am accordingly heavily tempering my expectations. 

I am not looking forward to this release in no way.
I was accepted for beta testing.
That says a lot, for now, I guess. (not violating the NDA).

Apple iMac Pro with macOS Sonoma, AC 5.0 to 27 INT and GER, all the latest

I think it's over. Have you read this article? 


Archicad gets a BIM award for making things prettier:

"Another area that blew the lid off the competition is new features aimed at Overlay texture, patterned fills, and software shadows aimed at all kinds of elevation views and surfaces in sections,” says Frausto-Robledo, AIA, LEED AP. “These features add nuanced depth to how architects can decide to present ideas to clients and work out design direction internally.”

The end is near!

Yes, 25 was already kind of underwhelming.... also with this awkward Update 2 release policy.
Hopefully, it will not be over. On macOS, there are not so many alternatives left.
Maybe this is only a "downtime," and GS will resurrect AC with modern recoding to catch up with current technology developments (both hard- and software).
And, of course, user demand and wishes should get the attention it needs so badly.

Apple iMac Pro with macOS Sonoma, AC 5.0 to 27 INT and GER, all the latest

We have a saying in Germany: the fish always stinks from the head (crap rolls downhill).

The problem is the "great" CEO who has been in marketing for the last 20 years and is obviously more interested in making the website look cool (and make it unusable) and selling more licences. And as far as I have heard, many experienced developers have left the company. The mother Nementschek urgently needs to do something about this!