Learn to manage BIM workflows and create professional Archicad templates with the BIM Manager Program.
10:03 AM
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10:04 AM
Noemi Balogh
Have you tried developing project on teamwork in collaboration with someone outside your company ?
For example get someone to model some building finished, setting up layouts placing annotations etc ...
‎2022-01-19 11:48 AM
We do this a lot, what is it exactly you want to know ?
Generally we have enough BIMcloud licenses for them to access our system or give them access to our system via VPN if using BIMcloud basic.
But let us know a little more about what you are trying to work out and I can provide you some more insight.
01:03 PM
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11:09 PM
Laszlo Nagy
Preparing for a similar action, by adding concept architects to the team for a particular job. We are running 22-25 BIMCloud Basic, and wondering whether going for BIMCloud Pro or BIMCloud aaS would make things easier, if not cheaper?
Does anyone from the Middle East region have experience with the BCaaS? Our allocated Google server is in India.
‎2022-01-22 09:28 PM - edited ‎2022-01-22 09:31 PM
BCaaS not from the Middle East but Buenos Aires (working on US BCaaS projects). BCaaS has totally spoiled me and I don't want to ever again hear about servers, VPN, restarts. For small offices/teams it probably makes a lot of sense economically (a few hours a month taken by any combination of the above will pay for the service), but my thing with BCaaS is visceral, irrational, passional.
‎2022-01-24 12:48 PM
BIMcloud as a Service is hosted in India for the Middle East region, as it is running on Google's cloud service too. 🙂
If you have a good experience with the service over there (you can even check the most important parameters here: https://community.graphisoft.com/t5/Setup-License-articles/BIMcloud-as-a-Service-Connection-Test/ta-...) then a BIMcloud as a Service is a good choice. With the most recent features, it can grant you some better licensing opportunities to work together with the external architects, and also you can quickly exchange project data via the integrated BIMx viewer.
Noémi Balogh
Community Expert, Admin
‎2022-01-26 09:40 AM
Hi Noemi
Thanks for the reply!
Funnily enough, the ping with the allocated Mumbai or Delhi Google Cloud servers is the slowest in the list with almost 500ms! The fastest are European servers with about 160-200ms
So should we go with the recommended servers or connect to the fastest ones?
Researching... 🙂
‎2022-01-26 10:08 AM
I made that mistake I didn't ask where the external architects are located. If they are located in the same country, then I would choose based on existing experience with servers in India and feature set of BIMcloud product plans, if they are located outside and somewhere really far away (e.g. in Vietnam), then you might get better chance if you host your BIMcloud somewhere in the "middle".
Noémi Balogh
Community Expert, Admin
‎2022-01-26 10:13 AM
They are here in Dubai. That is why I was checking the options... the city infrastructure is very good, and despite VPNs and other IT issues, it could be better to do the thing locally. As I have said, research is in progress 🙂
‎2022-01-26 12:07 PM
the latencies really do not make any sense...
Global HTTP Load Balancer global | 126 ms |
Netherlands europe-west4 | 155 ms |
London europe-west2 | 156 ms |
Warsaw europe-central2 | 151 ms |
Frankfurt europe-west3 | 136 ms |
Zurich europe-west6 | 148 ms |
Finland europe-north1 | 166 ms |
Belgium europe-west1 | 145 ms |
Montréal northamerica-northeast1 | 211 ms |
North Virginia us-east4 | 210 ms |
Toronto northamerica-northeast2 | 219 ms |
South Carolina us-east1 | 220 ms |
Iowa us-central1 | 233 ms |
Salt Lake City us-west3 | 251 ms |
Oregon us-west1 | 266 ms |
Los Angeles us-west2 | 271 ms |
Las Vegas us-west4 | 274 ms |
São Paulo southamerica-east1 | 320 ms |
Tokyo asia-northeast1 | 363 ms |
Osaka asia-northeast2 | 370 ms |
Santiago southamerica-west1 | 394 ms |
Seoul asia-northeast3 | 399 ms |
Taiwan asia-east1 | 401 ms |
Melbourne australia-southeast2 | 411 ms |
Sydney australia-southeast1 | 405 ms |
Hong Kong asia-east2 | 406 ms |
Singapore asia-southeast1 | 421 ms |
Jakarta asia-southeast2 | 437 ms |
Delhi asia-south2 | 485 ms |
Mumbai asia-south1 | 483 ms |
‎2022-01-26 12:15 PM
... another stupid question: should all the logged in BCaaS users be on the same version and build of Archicad? It is logical to assume that the answer is yes.
The documents mention 23 as the highest version, therefore either they were not updated, or you can actually not use newer Archicad than 23? Again, not logical.
Thanks for any clarifications.
‎2022-01-26 03:58 PM
BIMcloud as a Service is working from Archicad 20 6000 and above. Could you help me where did you read Archicad 23? So we can update it. Thank you!
About builds in Teamwork: yes, all team members should work with the same Archicad major version on the same update build. What is available compared to BIMcloud Basic is that you can have an Archicad 25 and Archicad 24 projects parallel on the same BIMcloud and access them accordingly.
Noémi Balogh
Community Expert, Admin
‎2022-01-27 09:23 AM - edited ‎2022-01-27 09:39 AM
Hi Noemi
The versions are mentioned at https://community.graphisoft.com/t5/Let-s-get-started/BIMcloud-as-a-Service/ta-p/304068 Step 4 and onwards
I think it would be enough to say "Archicad 20 build 6000 and newer, with current updates"?
‎2022-01-27 09:25 AM
Fixed. Thank you again! 🙂
Noémi Balogh
Community Expert, Admin