Using Architerra 2.06 and Archicad 8.1...
Recently I obtained Architerra to help us work with a surveyor, and after creating a model with over 30000 points (there were more, but my computer starting yelling at me so I had to change my filter some) I have to say I am pretty impressed. And coming from a civil designer who uses Land Desktop thats pretty good.
So, being that I create roads for a living, the road profiler in Architerra should be piece of cake.... Well... Here is my issues, anyone have luck figuring this stuff out? :
1. Can only create roads from lines, splines dont work even though it says it can in the manual.
2. Road Section: Project Heights and Terrain heights labels dont match contour info or model (difference of around 350'), but when selecting the nodes to change profile heights, that info is correct.
3. I thought I read that when changing the profile nodes, the command would stay open so you can move to the next node? I have to click the road profile icon for each node.
The only other thing that would be nice is to be able to change the project datum...but from what I have read in the forum is the surface can be moved, but contour data stays the same.... oh well...
(edit) Skip #2...figured it out.... my Calculation unit (length) was set for decimal inches instead of feet....thought something was wrong when I divided by 12 and got the number it was supposed to be)