Never heard of such a problem before. There are a lot of factors this can depend on.
The following information might help:
Are you on the Latest update of ARCHICAD 19?
What platform are you on? (windows 10?)
What are the specs of your machine? (RAM, CPU)
How much Hard Disk space does it eat up? (1 GB? 50 GB?)
Is it possible that it runs out of RAM, and starts dumping data to the Hard Drive?
Can you try it on other machines as well? (maybe it works fine on other machines, and it is just your computer)
Can you try it with other ARCHICAD versions? (like 21)
Does this happen both in Teamwork and a Solo version of the project?
If you publish it to your own hard drive, not the server, does it work fine?
What protocol are you using to mount the Server? (smb?)
Daniel Alexander Kovacs
Professional Services Consultant
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