I've bought a new computer Acer aspire 5920 G with Vista premium.
2 duo processor, 1.83 GHz, 320 GB
The installation is fine, but when I open the program and try to save a prosject or open a new prosject ArchiCad crashes, and the bug report shows up. Have anyone experienced anything similiar???
I've sent a mail to archicad support, they told me that it might be because of a firewall, so I tried to shut down the firewall, but didnt help.
Have also tried to uninstall the program 2-3 times, but still the same. Also tried to install version 11 instead, but the same problem occur. Can it be because im using Vista? I got Archicad 11 and 12 installed on my old computer, and there it works fine ( Windows XP)
If anyone could help me, it would be highly appreciated!