There are work arounds to this problem. If I remember correctly;
•For DWGs usually the problem is when placing DWGs with the information is in Pspace. To fix this issue you need to change the scale of the drawing so that it is actual size.
1. Place the DWG
2. Explode the DWG
3. Select all the Text and change them from "Paper Size" to "Model Size"
4. Using the Rescale command change the scale of the DWG so that it is at Real Size. If a wall is 6" with then it should measure that.
5. Select all the text again and change them back to Paper
Now you can change the scale all you want and the text should behave correctly.
• For PDFs make sure that the scale of the worksheet matches the scale of the drawing in the PDF before placing the PDF and exploding it. AC should rescale the drawing automatically. If you don't know the scale prior to inserting the PDF then you would do the steps above.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
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