Installation & update
About program installation and update, hardware, operating systems, setup, etc.

Cant install ac11

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Im trying to install AC 11 on another computer (windows xp) But the computer refuses to recognize the instalation cd. It neither lets me see the files through windows explorer. The computer is a little bit old (around 5 years). I need to install AC 11 in this computer because this computer is directly attached to the plotter. althought we could plot wirelessly through the network it is much faster to plot using this computer. I could install AC 10 8 months ago on this computer without a problem. I have administrator privileges and log in using administrator password. I have already used this cd to install the program on my personal computer without problems. I loaded this cd on my personal computer again to see if it was damaged, but the instalation procedures work perfectly. I wonder whats wrong....
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I don't know what might be causing your install problems, but if all you need the computer to do is speed up your plotting you can download PlotFlow.

This will give you an easy plot server. Just drag and drop or send the files directly to the spool folder (on the plot server) and they plot right out. There is even the handy function of collating the plots by dragging sets repeatedly for as many sets as you want (just make sure the file names alphabetize in the correct order).
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Thanx Mathew.
But there are some instances where I want to look at the project and make a small fix before plotting.

Im looking at the internet to find out why the ac11 cd doesnt want to install on this particular computer. What a strange problem! It even doent let me see the setup.exe from explorer! The ac10 disk works perfectly
(I tried again)
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jocontreras wrote:
Thanx Mathew.
But there are some instances where I want to look at the project and make a small fix before plotting.
Why can't you do that on the machine generating the plots?
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Hi Jo,

I bet the installation problem is that AC11 is supplied on a DVD whilst AC10 was on a CD. I suspect you only have a CD drive in your old PC!! (I'm talking from experience here!! )

The workaround is to copy the contents of the disk onto a shared drive on the network using another machine with a DVD drive.

Then you can install on your old machine from the network with no problems!

Hope that helps.

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Thats it!
thank you