I suspect that from the condition of your backup file that your cat or pet iguana inadvertently deleted this data.
While this horror has never happened to me, I have always used the sequential daily save method as an archiving and protective backup strategy. At the end of each day, when the project is saved, the project is ALSO saved as the next day's project. This means that you have a project record for every day of the week: each day's decisions. I do this because I HAVE had the horror of wanting to review something I over-wrote. Changed my mind twice, eh?
It is a flaw of Archicad that each design alternative from yesterday is so easy to inadvertently mess up with today's design development that you can lose valid alternatives by saving over them. This has happened to me, and it is a relief to copy parts from an old file into the current workspace.
And another flaw is saving after inadvertent deletion of elements. Since the undo queue is dropped after each save, as soon as you save a project with errant deletions, you geese are cooked. Like, why is the "S" key right next to the "Z" key. Deadly. Nice to spelunk yesterday's save to recover stuff.
Dwight Atkinson