Today we experienced a brand new behavour in Archicad.
On the brand-new Win8 Laptop of one of my pupils it was not possible to type in a komma in any koordinate. The komma-kay worked fine in a textwindow or in any other program. Just Archicad 16 did not respond to the Komma-Key at Koordinates ?? We tried everything You can think of..
Asus R700V, Nvidia Geforce.GT, Intel I7
Did anyone experienced somthing similar? Is there anyone with a solution?
Also interesting and "...":
On three different Win8 - Laptops (Samsung, Sony, Acer) it was not possible to activate the 3D-Window.. It was too late in this lession to try everything in this case, but tomorrow ill try to turn off hardware acceleration..
Archicad 16 edu Aut
AC5.5-AC27EduAut, PC-Win10, MacbookAirM1, MacbookM1Max, Win-I7+Nvidia