Hi Djordje
Thanks for suggestions
I confirmed it was definitely the fact of Boolean operation on the mesh that caused the problem - deleting the boolean element removed the issue instantly
Making another boolean substraction reintroduced the problem.
I have had many (other) problems in the past with boolean subtraction & meshes - after a while, boolean just seems to stop subtracting, & it can't handle holes within holes etc. - but I never before had an issue that was exposed specifically via Plotmaker
Layer combos don't seem to be the problem as they are unchanged before & after, & all layers turned on in Plotmaker & ArchiCAD did not make a difference.
in 3D (no marquees) whole mesh was visible - UNTIL I saved, opened Plotmaker & updated, then loaded ArchiCAD from the corrupted view in plotmaker - what I opened was NOT what I saved - again in 3D no marquee etc, the mesh was gone in 3D, but visible & editable in 2D.
Consequently I have just abandoned boolean on mesh for this project!
Paul King
PAUL KING | https://www.prime.net.nz
ArchiCAD 8-28 | Twinmotion 2024
Windoze 11 PC | Intel Core i9 10900K | Nvidia Gforce RTX 3080 | 32 Gb DDR3 | 2x4K monitor extended desktop