2004-08-17 03:02 AM
2004-08-17 06:03 AM
Mike wrote:Could have been cheap monitors and/or video card issue and/or interfacing the LCD via VGA adapter rather than DVI. I've got twin 19" LCD that I'm much happier with than my old 21" tubes ... and even like my 15" laptop screen (at 1400 x 1280) better than any CRT for crispness.
My boss had recently purchased some new flat screen monitors but I was certainly not happy with their performance. the fixed resolution gave me no more working space than the 16" one I had been working on and I didn't have the crispness that I would have liked. I am planning on returning it for a crt instead and was hoping for a recommendation. Thanks.
2004-08-17 06:57 AM
2004-08-17 03:55 PM