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Relocating Origin in 3D Orbit Mode

Scott Bulmer
Recently an issue has arisen that may have an easy answer. I have tried everything I know including new & reset all without luck.

Initially opening an Open GL 3D window of a marqueed area on plan, the Axo view of the model is correctly sized to the window. Orbiting works as expected. In the course of orbiting, fitting in window may become necessary. When 'fit in window' is selected however, the point of view is zoomed way out, and orbiting the model seems to move around a point way off in the distance, as if the origin (for orbiting purposes) has been set off in the distance.

My work around is to turn off orbit, then select Arrow tool, then 'fit in window', which resizes the image correctly as well as resets orbit so that the model will move around an origin within the model. Fit in window while in orbit mode does not work properly now.

This is not the end of the world, however something unexpected has changed the way the 3D window works, which is disturbing. I'm hoping there is a setting I am somehow overlooking, and that this is not related to the lingering Home Zoom bug. Thank you.
AC27 v. 4060 w/ MEP, Cadimage, Twinmotion 2023.2.2 using AC from AC6.0, 2021 MacPro M1 chip, Adobe CC. Used AC on both platforms.