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Right Click menu in AC 10. Can you customize it ?

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Can You customize the right click menu so that after you select an item you dont have to go to move/drag or move/drag a copy when you want to move an object ? I would like to right click and then drag not right click move/drag.

Morse CADD & Services
you can . . . and you can't . . . see here:

but: you don't need to use the 'move' menu commands if all you want to do is drag the selected element: just click-select and drag in one movement - the element will come with you!

b e n f r o s t
b f [a t ] p l a n b a r c h i t e c t u r e [d o t] n z
archicad | sketchup! | coffeecup
Not applicable
~/archiben wrote:
you can . . . and you can't . . . see here:

but: you don't need to use the 'move' menu commands if all you want to do is drag the selected element: just click-select and drag in one movement - the element will come with you!

...and for a copy, hit ctrl (Win) or option (Mac) and a little plus sign will appear by the cursor. For multiples it's ctrl+alt or option+command(apple key).
Not applicable
I still havent been able to change my right click menu in AC 10/win. I hacked the registry and found you could change the value of one key to "1" instead of the default "0" and get the context menu option in the work enviroment dialog, but was unable to change anything in the context menus.