New_Xieland wrote:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
you are not alone. in fact, i think this issue has been brought up more times than anything else on the forum:
the reason you cannot change the slab thickness is because the slab has been assigned to a 'composite' structure: the predefined skins of the composite already have thickness values and so the slab thickness is a function of the composite and not user editable.
change the slab structure (cut fill) to a plain-ol'-vanilla fill - you can then edit the thickness as much as you want.
if you want to change the thickness - or even make your own composite structures - Options>Element Attributes>Composites... and edit away. composites can also be used in walls and roof (depending on whether you specifiy them to be such in the composites dialogue) so you may find the same 'problem' there too!
polite suggestion: there is a "search" function at the top of the page. try seeing if your issue exists and has already been discussed before posting . . . there is a whole load of information - particularly for new users - already here on the forum. good luck!
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