This problem seems to happen a lot, but I haven't been able to find any real help as to what i should do. I start ArchiCAD, the little gray screen comes up, and after that, the discouraging "ArchiCAD can't run on this computer" dialogue box comes up.
As with many others, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, re-reinstalled, and everything else you can do to Quicktime that way.
I have the student download of ArchiCAD (NO DVD) and as such I apparently don't have access to a particular amount of help that seems to be available to others. There has to be a way to fix this without spending an incredible amount of money. Also, I should mention that I love overly-thorough step-by-step instructions to rectify problems like this.
I would love to use this program after a few months of banging my head against my desk in frustration 😉
This problem seems to occur enough that it seems to me like it would be a spectacular idea to have an entire page of official Graphisoft helpful-ness posted.