Installation & update
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Wall Intersection Numbers BUG ??

Not applicable
Hello talkers,

I'm working on a project where I have set in the Layers dialog box my exterior walls layer to the number 3 for cleanup of intersections.

Every so often, while I'm working on the project, looking at a section, moving from floor to floor, looking at it in 3D, when I go back to the floor plan, I find that the number I typed in the Layer dialog box has reverted back to1, and this has messed up the intersections of various multicavity walls that were intersecting cleanly.

Not applicable
Select your layer combination that you are working on such as FLOOR PLAN. Select the layer such as wall layer and set it to "3". Make sure you then click update for that layer combination or the change will not take affect.

Not applicable
Select your layer combination that you are working on such as FLOOR PLAN. Select the layer such as wall layer and set it to "3". Make sure you then click update for that layer combination or the change will not take affect.

Hi Grant,

Thanks for the tip, and it seems to be working. I've redefined my view sets as suggested.

But, WHY does this "feature" work like this ?? Why is this not simply a layer preference that applies universally, no matter what ??

Thanks again
