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macOS Sonoma Caps Lock Issue


I think I found a work around to the Caps Lock issue in ArchiCAD 27 (and potentially other older versions) with people working on macOS Sonoma. If you disable the new Sonoma caps lock function through a copy and paste in Terminal then it disables it throughout the OS. I did not like that new indicator showing up in AC or in other applications so I am happy to see it go. I copy and pasted from the link below (also the commands below) into to terminal and now I can keep my caps lock on. Hurray! 


Of course this required messing with the OS code so always words of caution with utilizing this (at your own risk). So far everything for me is stable and I will report back if I notice any issues with the OS, AC, or other software.


Link for code found:


Code to copy and paste in to Terminal below. Might ask for password to after copy and paste. Then restart computer and should work. 


sudo mkdir -p /Library/Preferences/FeatureFlags/Domain
sudo /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add 'redesigned_text_cursor:Enabled' bool false" /Library/Preferences/FeatureFlags/Domain/UIKit.plist


Adam Lasota - AIA NCARB
Lasota Architects Inc.
User since AC 12 - Previous BIM Manager
AC 27 on M1 Max Macbook Pro and iMac Intel running Sonoma

@Tamas Gaspar , when will the fix be released for AC25?

I am in CA on this project and would like to finish it in the same version.


AC 19 - 27 USA
OS Sonoma
MacBook Pro - 32GB

@cmorel I'll edit your post to replace "Tamas" with @Tamas Gaspar (note the @ sign before a user name) so that he gets a notification that you'd like a response...


But, I suspect his response will be that Graphisoft is not supporting Archicad 26 25 on Sonoma.  See:


"Archicad 25 FULL and SOLO will start but not receive compatibility updates."

AC 28 USA and earlier   •   macOS Sequoia 15.3.2, MacBook Pro M2 Max 12CPU/30GPU cores, 32GB

Hi @cmorel,

Yes, @Karl Ottenstein is right, we are not releasing updates to Archicad 25 anymore. Also, the article he mentioned is true: Archicad 25 and Archicad 24 run on macOS 14 Sonoma, but we can't release updates to fix the compatibility issues.

Thanks for understanding.

Tamás Gáspár

Manager, Partner Technical Support, Graphisoft