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2D & 3D cavity closure are not aligned

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Is there a way to get cavity closure to work in 3d as well as 2d? things don't seem to line up - or rather it seems the cavity closure has no effect on the model, it is just a 2d plan item. If that is true, is there a way to adjust its placement so things look aligned in 3d and 2d?
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The skin returns aren't modelled in 3d for some reason. Have a look here for a possible GDL-based work around -
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I will take a look at your script this weekend, thank you. I figured that the return wasn't actually modelled since there are really "skins" unless your are using complex profile (and they aren't quite ready for everyday wall applications IMO - but that is another discussion)

the closure object you described seem like it would be perfect for some situations, but I am hoping someone can share how to have the closure drawn outside of the opening width, rather than inside the opening width.

IE A=opening width+wall skin+wall skin
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Hey Scott,

To be honest, all the script does is draw a 'ring' of a certain thickness to the size needed. The width and height parameters followed the standard boundary box, so you just stretch it to shape in 2d and 3d. It was a dumb 3d only object that was put on a layer that was turned off when on plan.

I kept the original window/door/opening in place and manually adjusted the trim if the opening moved or changed size.

Just a thought, but have you tried the 'Custom Closure' setting instead of the turn skins? If you set the reveal depth to 0, the cavity closer actually does turn the skin all the way across and does this on the outside of the opening. Maybe this will do what you need instead?
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Thank you, that is exactly what I needed! I had never noticed that option before.