I think the procedure should go something like this:
1. Open the library part
2. Go to the 2D Full View window, Select All, Copy
3. Go to the 2D Symbol window, paste (this will put the 2D symbol in the correct location for the 3D model)
4. All the lines and hotspots come in on fragment 1 (like a layer), you may want to change the line fragment assignment so the lines can be more easily selected later for deletion.
5. Use the 2D tools to draw the symbol on a different fragment, using the copied lines as a guide, leave the hotspots (or add/delete hotspots as desired)
6. Select the copied lines and delete
7. Go to the 2D Script, select all, and under the Edit menu, select
Comment, this will add a "!" before each line of the script so it is not read, but preserves the code
8. Save or Save As the library part
You should now have a library part with the drawn symbol in the correct location and the original 3D model. The 2D Script for this part is 2000 + lines of code, so I don't think editing the code is practical.