2007-08-20 12:04 PM
2007-08-20 11:45 PM
2007-08-21 09:27 AM
2007-08-21 02:26 PM
jean-luc wrote:The "2D Symbol" is drawn with the 2D tools in the 2D Symbol window for the 2D representation of the object. Except for resizing by the A & B parameters, it is not parametric. The "2D Full View" is generated from the 2D Script (similar to the 3D being generated from the 3D Script), allowing for a great variety of parametric behaviors for the object.
So basically what is the difference between "2D full view" and "2D symbol" in the GDL interface
jean-luc wrote:When in the "2D Full View", use the cursor to draw a rectangle around the object (you will get the "marching ants" marquee) and copy, then change to the "2D Symbol" window and paste, you will get the lines, fills and hotspots of the 2D Full View, where you can add additional hotspots.
For instance it would be nice to use the PROJECT2 to get your projection
within the "'2D full view" then to copy and paste this projection to
to the "2D symbol" and then add your hotspot where you want.
But it does not work out.
2007-08-21 03:09 PM
jean-luc wrote:It does - if you do it in the GDL part windows. Save the object, open the library part, and you can do this.
For instance it would be nice to use the PROJECT2 to get your projection within the "'2D full view" then to copy and paste this projection to to the "2D symbol" and then add your hotspot where you want.
But it does not work out.
2007-08-21 03:44 PM
2007-08-21 03:54 PM
2007-08-22 05:46 AM
jean-luc wrote:I know that it WORKED with drag&drop and now you confirmed
PS : Djordje do you think It should work out without "drag and drop" ?
2007-08-22 09:48 AM
I know that it WORKED with drag&drop and now you confirmed Let's be satisfiedyes I am. Thanks again