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A problem with custom sizing a dl:ed object

Not applicable
So, um hi.

I got this problem where I downloaded a shelf ("Tall cabinet 1 fixed and 4 adjustable shelves without door 2100x600x400"), which I found by simply typing "shelf" to the search bar in the Object window.

Even after enabling Custom size, the shelf won't go beyond 300/800 in Dimension 1, 300/600 in D2 or 1800/2400 in D3. It always jumps to those values no matter what I type on the fields.
Is there a way to customise the values, or do I have to download another elsewhere and hope for the best?

Thank you!
If the object is open - look for the "VALUES" in the parameter script.
You may simply comment the lines starting with: VALUES "a" [...]...VALUES "b" [...] and VALUES "zzyzx" [...]
Comment them by adding "!" in front.
Result will be the all of the 3 dims will not by constrained, but be warned - the object may not work correctly afterwords.

Best regards,
Not applicable
Piotr wrote:
If the object is open - look for the "VALUES" in the parameter script.
You may simply comment the lines starting with: VALUES "a" [...]...VALUES "b" [...] and VALUES "zzyzx" [...]
Comment them by adding "!" in front.
Result will be the all of the 3 dims will not by constrained, but be warned - the object may not work correctly afterwords.

Best regards,
The what? I'm afraid that's too advanced for me. Would you mind simplifying it?
David Maudlin

It looks like the object code is locked, so not accessible for changes. The size limits are what the author intended.

You should add a Signature to your Profile (click the Profile button near the top of this page) with your ArchiCAD version and operating system (see mine for an example) for more accurate help in this forum.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14