Libraries & objects
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AC does not export a value...

Not applicable
AC does not export a value calculated inside a parametric gsm object to the bill of materials.

The object is a parametric beam with parametric tenons at each end.

e.g. at set up A = 100, B = 10 and Z = 10

Add an 8 cm tenon at each end.

Now the total length of the beam = A + leftTenonLth + rightTenonLth.

(I've placed the equation in both Master and Parameter sections of the gsmtemplate).

However, AC refuses to export that value and instead lists the length as the original set length = 100.

Later, if the beam is resized by dragging the 2D handle at one end, the length parameter is not updated either.

How do I extract values calculated inside an object gsm?

And where do I place the calculations?

I can't see how to attach the gsm file.
Not applicable
Further to my post...

I believe I need to find a way to query the object for it's current A (dX) value.
Once a value has been entered it doesn't update if the object is parametric.
Interpreting your post, I think you need to update the relevant parameter, i.e. use the PARAMETERS command in either the parameter or master script to update the total length parameter.
Bruce Walker
Barking Dog BIM YouTube
Mindmeister Mindmap
-- since v8.1 --
AC27 5060 INT Full | Windows 11 64 Pro | 12th Gen Intel i7-12700H 2.30 GHz | 64 Gb RAM | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 32 Gb
Not applicable
Thank you for the suggestion. This is the setup.
In Master section :
dX = A
dY = B

Parameter section :
PARAMETERS beamWidth = dY
beamHeight = dZ
beamLength = dX
totalLength = beamLength + lTdx + rTdx

The two final items are the lengths of the tenons at each end of the beam. These are defined in the Parameters section.
The trial beam is 103,6 long and this is shown in the Info bar. However, the Elements List show the length as 100. This is what’s set in the ‘A’, the X dimension parameter in the gsl file.
All the other parameters are listed correctly. Only that one calculation is incorrect.
Screen Shot 2018-01-03 at 09.13.51.png
Instead of an Elements List, try an Element Schedule instead. You can add any object parameter, in which case you can add the totalLength parameter for correct reporting.
Bruce Walker
Barking Dog BIM YouTube
Mindmeister Mindmap
-- since v8.1 --
AC27 5060 INT Full | Windows 11 64 Pro | 12th Gen Intel i7-12700H 2.30 GHz | 64 Gb RAM | NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 32 Gb
Not applicable
Hello :
I've looked at the Schedule and find it awkward. I prefer the Elements List. Some of the objects have around 15 parameters that need to be in the bill of materials, the totalLength is only one of them.
The difference appears to be the latter is only one of two parameters which are calculated. The other doesn't update either.
There must be a way to force the compiler/interpreter to evaluate the line of code in either Master or Parameters. But how?

totalLength = dX + leftTenonL + rightTenonL
In Master dX = A
dX us used throughout the 3D and 2D sub-routine.
Similarly, for the two tenon lengths. There all work fine there. So why not in Master or Parameters?
Jochen Suehlo
In the Parameter Script you cannot place calculations, that shall refer to all scripts. This is only possible in the Master Script.
Parameter section :
PARAMETERS beamWidth = dY
beamHeight = dZ
beamLength = dX
totalLength = beamLength + lTdx + rTdx
So it seems, that the last 3 lines have no function if placed in the parameter script, but I cannot see the rest of the script.

If you wanted to use PARAMETERS for all lines, you must write:

PARAMETERS beamWidth = dY, beamHeight = dZ,
beamLength = dX, totalLength = beamLength + lTdx + rTdx 
Jochen Suehlo . AC12-28 . MAC OSX 14.4 . WIN11
GDL object creation:
Not applicable
Solution to the export calculation problem.

See :

This is the code I used in the Parameters section :
totalLength was not being exported to the bill of materials.

PARAMETERS beamWidth = dY
beamHeight = dZ
beamLength = beamLength
totalLength = beamLength + lTdx + rTdx
PARAMETERS totalLength = totalLength

Adding the last line forced AC to reevaluate the parameter which is now exported in the BOM.

Thank you both for your assistance.

PS : Why do undergraduates have flat foreheads?
They spend years striking their foreheads with the palms of their hands and exclaiming, “Of course”!
Not applicable
Incidentally, if anyone would like a copy of this beam object, please let me know.

The 'beam' has the following parameters :
width, height and totalLength (incl tenons)

length defined either by dragging or

by entering the building module, the number of modules and any extra length. This allows for a precise length to be entered with one click.

setting numMods to zero allows parametric adjustment. Otherwise enter an integer value.

length, width, depth and offset up, down, left or right of tenons at each end

tenons are colored to distinguish left from right in plan view

length, width, depth and offset up or down for a stub tenon at each end.

export to bom set up to capture all parameters

the beam can be used to cut the mortices in a post or beam which can then be dimensioned.