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Adding window to Shipping Container Wall

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I am working on a shipping container project for a new custom home and need to modify it to add windows and doors to the walls. The shipping container is a GDL made by Master Script. They did a a good job making it.

What is the best way to add windows and doors to the corrugated wall panels? even if I manage to turn the panel into Archicad wall, the corrugated panel will be made of short individual walls (as shown on the attached image), and a window can only belong to one wall at a time. Thanks.

Container Panel.jpg
David Maudlin
Cheikh T Sylla:

One option is to add a Wall that is the size of the Window or Door, use this Wall to SEO an opening in the Object to create the opening, then insert the desired Door or Window into this Wall. The Wall could be larger than the Door or Window if there is additional new construction needed to bridge the gap between the corrugated wall of the Object and the new Door or Window.

David Maudlin / Architect
Digital Architecture
AC28 USA • Mac mini M4 Pro OSX15 | 64 gb ram • MacBook Pro M3 Pro | 36 gb ram OSX14
Not applicable

Thank you for the idea.