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Archicad 20 rendering DWG files to 3D

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Hi Everyone,

I am a new user of this awesome program still trying to understand how to operate this program.
I currently have DWG files that i am trying to convert to 3D but i am having issues. I have a front facade of a home that i am trying to render
I select Open file then goto DOCUMENT select <Creative Imaging> then <photo renderingprojecting> then the picture tab opens with background colour and no design.
Is there some steps i need to follow prior so i can get the 3D picture?
Please keep process simple as i am a frreessh starter.

Eduardo Rolon
ARCHICAD does not convert AutoCAD 2D elements automatically to 3D you need to model them.

If the Autocad file has a Model then you need to import it as an object to keep its 3D Settings (File-> Library and Objects -> Open Library Part -> External File)

If you already have modeled the facade en ARCHICAD then check that the layers are on in the 3D Window prior to rendering.
Eduardo Rolón AIA NCARB
AC28 US/INT -> AC08

Macbook Pro M1 Max 64GB ram, OS X 10.XX latest
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