2008-12-08 06:45 PM
2008-12-09 05:29 PM
zoltar wrote:It seems to work for me! Maybe the Greek library has different named macros. Upload the Greek version and we can check if you like.
Peter are you sure this is right? I tried the changes for the back rest and it really messes the seats up.But will check again.Probably my mistake.
2008-12-09 05:45 PM
2008-12-09 06:34 PM
"backrest": !!!-------all new Addy gs_seat_width-ArmWidth/2 Rotz -90 CALL "fa_cushion_backrest" parameters gs_detlevel_3D_m=gs_detlevel_3D_m, cush_a=gs_seat_width-ArmWidth, cush_b=CushHgt, cush_h=CushThk, r2=RadCushEdge, r1=RadCushCorner, r3=RadBackArc, gs_resol=CushEdgeResol, FilletResol=CushFilletResol, cush_mat=gs_seat_mat DEL 2 RETURNEdit - PLEASE NOTE THIS IS THE GREEK VERSION.(In Greek!)
2008-12-09 06:39 PM
2008-12-09 06:45 PM
2008-12-09 07:19 PM
Peter wrote:Or longer! That's why it is such a great service to the community when you, Dwight, Olivier, James, Duane, and many others post 'repaired' parts here (and ideally copy them into the depository) so that everyone can move forward while we wait for the update.
GS's library update could be weeks away! It's no good if you need the particular part now.
2008-12-10 12:45 AM
Peter wrote:Appreciate the update Peter.
Nothing like a bit of DIY GDL fixing to sharpen the mind!
2008-12-10 01:10 AM
Rod wrote:Hi Rod, it was deliberate!
Appreciate the update Peter.
In your earlier post you name the part "Audience Seating 12" which is in the 12 library.
Now you have it named "Auditorium seats 12".
A typo, or is this deliberate?
2008-12-10 09:39 AM